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SOC110HM Course Paper Critical Thinking course can be defined as the process that is disciplined intellectually related to the skillful and active conceptualization, analyzing, applying, synthesizing and evaluation of the information that is mainly generated by the experiences, reflection, observation, communication, or reasoning as the guide based on actions and belief. The individuals who aim at thinking in a critical manner constantly attempt at living rationally, sensibly, and empathically. The course code SOC110HM is a part of the unit that needs to be completed by students of Saint Leo University.

The individuals are mainly mindful of the integrally flawed type of human thinking when it is left unrestricted and they also attempt to reduce the power of the egocentric and the sociocentric propensities. People try to use the knowledgeable tools which are offered by critical thinking like the principles and concepts which allow them to assess, analyze and enhance their levels of thinking. The individuals are thereby working in a diligent manner for the purpose of developing the different intellectual qualities related to the aspects of intellectual integrity, intellectual civility, intellectual humility, intellectual aspect of justice, intellectual empathy and confidence in the reasons.

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Critical thinking is considered to be the type of thinking about a particular subject, problem, or content within which a thinker aims at improving the quality of individual thinking by taking care of various structures that are a part of the thinking process and thereby implementing the intellectual standards effectively. Critical thinking can also be defined as the process of understanding and assessing a particular situation that is related to various factors and information that is available. The SOC110HM assignment answers can help the individuals in sorting and organizing information, facts and data for the purpose of solving the issues effectively. Critical thinking is also considered to be a process that is implemented for detailed analysis of the topic or an issue that is mainly based on the relevant and available information. The various common steps that need to be followed by an individual for the purpose of solving an issue include the following,

  • Identification of a problem or an issue.
  • Understanding the reasons related to a particular problem and the available solution.
  • Researching and collecting the information or data related to the issue.
  • Sorting and organizing the data and findings.
  • Developing and implementing the different solutions.
  • Analyzing the achievement and failure of various solutions.
  • Identification of ways by which solutions can be refined.

Critical thinking aims at guiding the process of effective decision-making within an organization that allows the individuals to identify the barriers related to the levels of success and find solutions based on the probable issues. SOC110HM assessment answers are helpful for an individual and his or her colleagues for the purpose of brainstorming new ideas and thereby implementing them for achieving the goals. The aspect of critical thinking is considered to be helpful for identifying and addressing the inefficiencies in workflow, enhancing management practices, guiding financial decisions and thereby fostering the strategic mindset that is related to each of the positions.

The employers have been able to comprehend the value that is provided by critical thinking and they are looking for candidates who can depict the skills of critical thinking for filling up the open positions and thereby focusing on the individual critical thinking aspects within the work processes has a potential of advancing the career including the various benefits that include the following,

Encouraging teamwork – Thinking in a critical manner helps in the improvement of the levels of communication that can allow the individuals to use various techniques of approaching the problems for sharing expertise and evaluating the levels of effectiveness.

Resolving conflicts – Critical thinking can be used to help individuals to reduce tensions within the workplace by proper identification of the ways by which a situation has occurred, understanding the impact and thereby moving forward based on a mindset that is totally solution-oriented.

Demonstrating leadership – Critical thinking can help individuals or employees to become capable leaders who are able to depict a strong aptitude for the purpose of enhancing the process of strategic planning.

Saving time – The employees in an organization can use critical thinking for the purpose of making effective choices and saving time by prioritizing the tasks with the help of proper identification of the relevant information and resources. The employees can also make decisions that are well-informed in nature with proper implementation of critical thinking.

Unit details of SOC110HM Course Paper Critical Thinking

Unit details of this course include the following:

Unit code – SOC110HM

Location – St. Leo, Florida

Study level – Graduation

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Brief on SOC110HM Course Paper Critical Thinking

The students will aim at selecting a film and will be presenting the quotes from the various aspects like frames, color-blind racism and will also examine them consequently, within the least of six pages. The students need to decide whether based on their critical-thinking and decision-making objective the societal evidence that is being reviewed by them in the assessment (a) is helpful in demonstrating the distinctive color-blind pattern that is described by the author named Bonilla-Silva in his textbook or (b) it aims at revealing a more advanced and smaller pattern or (c) an effective mixture of these or (d) any other outline that has not been debated in this textbook although it is worth discovering in the future researches.

All the papers need to consider the inferences of this analysis related to color-blindness for the future of the multi-ethnic society. On the other hand, the ways by which these depictions that are discovered in the analysis can be helpful and can hinder the progress of the society toward an inclusive multi-ethnic democracy will be discussed as well.

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Weightage of this SOC110HM Course Code in Their Semester

The weightage that has been provided to the SOC110HM Course Code in their semester and will be helpful for the students to understand the importance of critical thinking in the activities that can be performed by them within an organization. The future activities that can be performed by the students will be influenced by the knowledge that they have been able to gain about the critical thinking aspects.

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