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Oxford Referencing Generator

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Oxford Referencing Style


Oxford Referencing Style

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Understanding Oxford Referencing Generator

Typical Oxford referencing generators generate two key referencing components: the footnotes and the reference list. And while these Oxford referencing generators are generally quite accurate, it is best to tally the generated meta-data with the actual styling rules.

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The Footnote Citation

Acknowledging all sources of information used in any content is a must. The Oxford referencing generator system uses superscript numbers in the text where the writer cites another source. The same superscript number appears at the bottom of the same page, followed by full referencing details.

Details include the page number, the title, author names, publication or journal details, volume number, year of publication, DOI, etc.

Note that there must be a line at the bottom of the page separating the text from the citation footnotes.

The Reference List

Reference lists appear on a separate page at the end of the entire document. It must include all the details of all the footnotes in the text, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author's surname.

The terms reference list and bibliography are generally used interchangeably. However, a reference list is somewhat different from a bibliography; reference lists only include sources referenced in a paper, while bibliographies include everything a writer used to prepare.

It may sometimes become necessary to segregate the reference list into primary and secondary sources.

Some Generic Info

  • In the footnotes, the initials of the authors' first name must precede the surname, while in the reference list, it's just the opposite.
  • If a work has no author, then one must use the first substantive word of the title and insert it in the reference list alphabetically.
  • In the reference list, writers need to add the full range of pages of a journal article or a specific chapter of a book. However, page numbers are not necessary for entire books.
  • While citing more than one work by the same author, arrange them by date with the earliest first. If dates are the same, add lower case letters after the dates to differentiate between the two publications.

Citing Quotes In Oxford Referencing Generator Style

For citing direct quotes under 30 words in the text, writers must enclose them in single inverted commas. In addition, the quotation must be followed immediately by the superscript number that refers to the footnotes at the bottom of the page.

If a direct quote is 30 words or more, it is called a blockquote. One must omit the quotation marks for block quotes and start the quote as a new paragraph on a new line. First, indent the entire section 1 cm from the left margin of the page. There's no need to indent from the right margin. Then, introduce the quote with a colon.

It is best to use block quotes sparingly.

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How To Cite A Blog Using An Oxford Referencing Generator?

For citing blogs, one must follow the generic format for citing documents from the Web.

1 A. Author, ‘Title of Document’, Name of Website in Italics, Place of Publication, Name of Publisher, year, page number, http://url, (accessed day month year)

  • Include the author's name from the Internet where possible. For example, the author might be a corporate body or an organisation responsible for creating, producing, or publishing an online source.
  • Use the web page or website title when there is no identifiable author or authoring body.
  • Use the date of the last update of the web page or document as the year.

Here's an example.

Footnote à 

1 Livius, ‘Galle Chandelier Restored Sans Goldfish’, The History Blog [web blog], 22 April 2019,, (accessed 12 September 2018)

Reference List à

Livius, 'Galle Chandelier Restored Sans Goldfish', The History Blog [web blog], 22 April 2019,, (accessed 2 May 2019).

How To Cite A Book & E-Book Using Oxford Reference Generator?

Format for footnotes for referencing a book:

1 A. Author, Title of Book in Italics: Subtitle in Italics, edition number, Place of Publication, Publisher, year, page number.

  • The surname must come first in the reference list.
  • Add the names as they appear in the source for two or three authors.
  • Don’t’ add any city or state location if it is in the title of the University.
  • For more than three authors, add et al. after the first author's name.
  • If the work has no author or editor, the title is the first element of the reference.
  • Add (ed.) after the name of the editor.
  • Add the author of a specific book or article chapter, wherever applicable, in the footnote.
  • The edition number comes after the title.
  • Include the full-page range of a cited chapter in the reference list.
  • Use the full name of the organisation that acts as the author.
  • Cite e-books just like printed books.
  • Use multiple superscripted footnotes and reference entries for numerous works from the same author.
  • Provide both authors' names when adding a secondary citation in the footnotes. Mention only the primary source, the book that you have read in the reference list.

Here’s how to cite an e-book in the Oxford referencing generator style and the Oxford citation generator.

1 B. De Munck, ‘Guild, Labour and the Urban Body Politic: Fabricating Community in the Southern Netherlands 1300-1800, Milton, UK, Routledge, 2017, p. 73.

Secondary Sources

Citing an author's work referenced in another article or book is a secondary citation. To cite secondary sources, writers must include details for both works in the footnote.

Here’s an example.

10 R. Ago, Gusto for Things, Chicago, Chicago University Press, 2013, cited in D. Biow, On the Importance of Being an Individual in Renaissance Italy, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 20115, p. 220.

However, in the reference list, one must only include the source where they found the secondary source. Many academic institutions ask students to use secondary sources sparingly. Writers should try their best to locate the source.

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How To Cite Dissertations Using An Oxford Referencing Generator?

Citations of theses and dissertations must include the degree for which they were submitted. They must also include the institution's full name as indicated on the title page of the dissertation.

Keep in mind that the terms thesis and dissertation are not interchangeable. Use appropriate names and qualifications, as evident on the work's title page. Mention the original submission date and do not place it within parentheses.

Here’s an example.

Hill, Daniel, ‘Divinity and Maximal Greatness’, Ph.D. thesis, King’s College, London, 2001

How To Cite A Website In The Oxford Referencing Generator Style?

  • Electronic books, journals, magazines, etc., must be treated as much as possible like their printed counterparts. For example, use the same style for capitalisation, italic, and quotation marks.
  • If corresponding printed versions are available, mention them if you wish to. Similarly, citing electronic versions of printed media is not compulsory.
  • Always give precedence to the most easily accessible forms.
  • Electronic addresses should be inserted within angle brackets <>: < http://>
  • For websites and webpages, A. Author, Title Name (Location, Year; online publication year) <electronic address> access date.
  • For online books, A. Author, Title Name (Location, Year; online publication year), Digital Source Details <electronic address> access date.
  • For journal articles, ‘Article Name’, Journal Name, (publication date) <electronic address> access date
  • For personal communications and correspondence (such as emails), specify the email address, sender, recipient, sent date and date of access.

Patterson, Deborah, ‘Revised medical report’, [email to Janet Wills] (11 Aug. 2004)

<[email protected]> accessed 2 Dec

How To Cite A Newspaper In Oxford Referencing Generator Style?

Here’s the format for crafting footnotes from a newspaper article.

1 A. Author, 'Title of Article', Title of Newspaper in Italics, day month year, Section of Newspaper if applicable, page number.

In the reference list, add the author’s initials before the surname and the entire page range of the article.

  • Newspaper articles obtained via a library search, database, or e-reserve should be referenced like print articles.
  • Add the complete URL or electronic address for newspaper articles from websites. Add the access date at the end.
  • For articles with no authors, the article name comes first.
  • Capitalise every prominent word of the article's title.

Our Other Referencing Tools: Chicago Referencing Generator | Vancouver Referencing Generator | MLA Referencing Generator | APA Referencing Generator

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Most Frequently Asked Question

How Do You Cite A Journal Article In Oxford?

Ans.:   The basic format for citing journal articles is as follows:

1 A. Author, 'Title of Article: Subtitle', Title of Journal in Italics, vol. xx, no. xx, year, p. xx.

How Do You Cite An Article In The Oxford Style?

Ans.: Here’s the format for crafting footnotes from a printed article.

1 A. Author, 'Title of Article', Title of Newspaper in Italics, day month year, Section of Newspaper if applicable, page number.

How do I add Oxford referencing to Microsoft Word?

Ans.: Click on the Insert menu, select the Footnote or Bibliography option, and choose the Oxford citation style.

How do I reference Wikipedia Oxford dictionary?

Ans.: Referencing Wikipedia articles is like referencing any other online article.

‘Article Title’, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Published or Last Updated Date, URL

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