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10655NAT aboriginal and Torres strait islander cultural education is part of CHC Community Services Training which describes the skills and knowledge of the students to enroll in aboriginal and Torres strait islander cultural education. aboriginal and Torres strait islander cultural education is defined as the education course that provides the idea of the cultural values, beliefs, and perception of aboriginal Australians that connects them with their land and kinship.  This unit (10655NAT) usually applies to individuals who are Woking closely with the individuals belonging to aboriginal and Torres Strait islands. Hence, such a course is usually applied to the nursing profession, midwives, social and community workers, social workers, and liaison officers. In order to discuss the context of cultural education, it is fundamental to provide the background of cultural education. In Australia, the first nation individuals who usually belong to Aboriginal culture have different cultures and values that differ from the individuals living in the metropolitan part of the country.  Despite the first nation individuals of the country, discrimination and white colonization restrict the ability of the aboriginal individual to seek basic resources.

The disparities also exhibited inaccessibility of social determinants of health such as low educational attainment, unemployment, lack of affordable housing, and stress followed by substance abuse. Hence, aboriginal individuals not only experience a higher level of disease compared to other healthy populations but are also reluctant to seek support from non-indigenous professionals working in mainstream health care services. Their language barriers and use of discriminatory words, long wait times, high workplace discrimination, and frequent violence due to ethnicity are other layers that contribute to low health-seeking behavior. Students from the healthcare setting and community services also encounter similar challenges while providing care to patients belonging to aboriginal culture.

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While all students learning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language provides a distinctive means of understanding the country in which they live (it also includes the relationship between land and environment and kinship), students encounter issues due to inappropriate teaching materials and a lack of Aboriginal role models. Since Aboriginal education requires connection to communities and informed parents, they encounter issues regarding acknowledging intergenerational trauma which is reflected in their health care services.

Hence, the course is intended to provide non-Indigenous workers, who are developing and delivering services and programs to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.  This course is offered by Victoria University under the regulations of the Commonwealth of Australia, 2021. As a part of this course, aboriginal education is provided to professionals to improve their core knowledge of aboriginal languages, values, and traditions. In this case, for the non-Indigenous person who is delivering services to Aboriginal communities, this course will help you determine culturally-appropriate ways to collaborate with Aboriginal people.   However, students frequently encounter issues regarding respect and value nation’s heritage. The Australian Reconciliation Barometer shows the majority of Australians believe it's important to learn about Indigenous history and cultures.

 Unit details

Location- The course is carried out at Victoria University under regulations of the Commonwealth of Australia, 2021.  Victoria University is situated in public research university based in Melbourne that ensures the education as well as cultural education training for the students working closely with Aboriginal Australia. However, the course has been used for developing practical skills and improving practical skills in Victoria university. It is also available for students and professionals who have an equivalent degree.

Study level- Vocational and further education (TAFE)

Unit Code- 10655NAT

Brief of 10655NAT aboriginal and Torres strait islander cultural education assessment

This course is developed under National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.  The course is specifically intended to provide education regarding non-Indigenous workers who are developing and delivering services and programs. In order to complete the requirement, the students are required to demonstrate a range of skills. For example, students are required to demonstrate their ability to awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and the cultural identity of the professionals.  The students are required to demonstrate knowledge of legislation, policy, and work practices that impact aboriginal Islander people and communities. The students are required to demonstrate knowledge of effective features of service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities. 

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The students are required to demonstrate their ability to determine culturally appropriate strategies while encountering patients and while partnering with individuals and communities belong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.  The students are required to demonstrate their ability to determine culturally appropriate strategies that will support students to be part of the multidisciplinary team and culturally appropriate strategies that will enhance cultural sensitivity.  Hence, this unit ‘ACEPRG004 Examines strategies for supporting Aboriginal learners in vocational education and training. This unit is also delivered to professionals who work closely with traditional workers and midwives. Since it is performance-based criteria, individuals are required to demonstrate their understanding of the care process while supporting the patients belonging to the aboriginal community.

Based on these skills, students are required to provide written exams focused on cross-cultural curricula such as human rights, community and individual, culturally sensitive, health care disparities, and social determinants of health that are reflected in health care disparities.  The students are required to demonstrate their ability to understand cultural values and beliefs by providing quizzes and forum discussions. Students are required to provide a midterm examination followed by a practical demonstration of teaching and learning skills and values. However, the current policy of the NSW Government suggested demonstrating education through placement in the current workplace. Hence, students are required to demonstrate their ability and skills through placement in the current workplace (health care).

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Weight of 10655NAT aboriginal and Torres’s strait islander cultural education the exam

The weightage of the course is 40% of the total course. Throughout the unit, students, especially non-indigenous students are required to demonstrate their understanding of aboriginal culture and cultural values as well as beliefs.  They will be marked based on the quiz, written, and forum discussion and it will usually encompass 30%. On the other hand, demonstration of education through placement in the current workplace will usually encompass  10% of the whole assignment. The students are required to provide a written exam of 100 points to justify their education.

Other Course Code Pages: BSBMGT516 Assignment answers | BSBMGT517 Assignment Answers 

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