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How To Write An Effective Research Paper

How To Write An Effective Research Paper?

Two words evoke instant anxiety and frustration in nearly every student- research paper.

The end of each semester often requires students to write at least one research paper. A research paper is a unique piece of academic writing based on the author’s original research on a specific topic which demands a complete analysis and accurate interpretation of research findings.

Most students, especially those new to the rigours of academia, often feel anxious about the process and the fact that the paper gets assigned a huge chunk of final scores by a conscientious professor. For most of them, that means countless nightmares, spending considerable time immersed in humongous books, burning the midnight oil, and a lot of work. But does it always have to be that way?

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Today's comprehensive blog offers a comprehensive guide on navigating the difficulties of writing a unique research paper. This step-by-step guide will take you through the entire process, from understanding the assignment to concluding the research paper effectively.

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A Step-By-Step Guide To Write An Effective Research Paper

Undeniably, research papers are a big part of your academic college career. To write a brilliant research paper and stay motivated throughout the process, you will need some helpful advice, a well-thought-out plan of action, and certain crucial guidelines.

Let’s get started-

  • Get Familiar With The Requirements

This may sound obvious, but it's incredibly crucial to comprehend what your teachers or professors ask for before crafting your research paper.

According to eminent assignment help stalwarts, it is always wise to spend adequate time going over the requirements. Carefully go through the prompts, grading rubric, or any other materials you’ve received. Take time to comprehend the goals, deadline, length specifications, formatting, and submission method. Be realistic, and plan adequate time to research, write, and edit.

  • Focus Your Research On A Narrow Topic

Before you set off to start crafting your research paper, ensure to choose a narrow topic. It is not possible to defend an argument about a super broad subject. Further, the more refined your topic, the easier it’ll be to pose a clear argument and defend it with well-researched evidence.

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Know it is quite natural to drift off course, especially in the early research stages. However, if you're feeling like you are going off-topic, ensure to reread the prompt to get back on track.

  • Conduct An Extensive Preliminary Research

Remember to note any discussions that seem significant to the topic and try finding an issue that you can focus your paper around. Gather information from Google Scholar, online encyclopedias, almanacs, journals, databases, books, periodicals, newspapers, government publications and reports to ensure that you're not missing anything glaring.

Try looking for resources that contradicts your point of view. In this stage, you might also find it helpful to formulate certain research questions to guide you.

  • Come Up With A Thesis Statement

A close look at research essay help forums will help you comprehend that as you learn more about the topic, it becomes essential to develop a working thesis or a concise statement that presents an argument. If you started with a research question, then the thesis statement must answer it.

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A thesis statement must always be concise, contentious, and coherent. This implies it must briefly summarise the argument in a sentence or two, make a claim that needs further evidence and make a coherent point that relates to every aspect of the paper. You can always revise and refine the thesis statement, but it will serve as a guide throughout the writing process.

  • Craft An Accurate Outline

A research paper outline comprises a list of the key topics. It must incorporate arguments and evidence you aim to incorporate, categorised into sections with headings so that you have a rough idea of what the paper will look like before you delve deep into writing.

A research paper outline can always make the challenging writing process much more effective; hence, it’s worth dedicating adequate time to create one.

  • Present The Thesis And Argument In The Introduction

Mark Richardson, an eminent essay writer, strongly asserts the research paper introduction must address three questions- What, why, and how? After going through the introduction, the reader must have a comprehensive idea of what the paper is about, why it is worth reading, and how you'll develop the arguments. It is also significant to present your thesis to inform them what you're arguing.

For instance, your introduction can start like-

"Undermined in the present, manufacturers of British pottery of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries played a pivotal role in England's industrial revolution."

Then, after presenting the thesis, you can lay out evidence like-

“An assessment of Spode’s innovative production and distribution techniques will exhibit the significance of the contributions to the Industrial Revolution and industry at large.”

  • Develop Your Arguments In The Body

It is significant to first set the context of the research paper for the readers if the topic is obscure. Then, try to focus on a specific element or evidence that supports your thesis statement in three to five paragraphs. Each idea should flow with ease to the next so that the reader can easily follow your logic.

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Like, for your research paper on the presence of British pottery in the Industrial Revolution, you can first explain the products, how they’re made, and what the market was like at the time.

  • Conclude On A Strong Note

Now, the time has arrived to wrap your research paper. Most research papers end with a restated thesis statement. Present your thesis statement, but reword it. Briefly summarise the arguments you've made. Explain why you believe those points supported the case.

You can also discuss the more general consequences of the argument, outline what the paper offers to future students, and suggest any question the argument raises but cannot or does not try to answer.

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Take One Step At A Time!

Once you get the hang of the method, research papers really aren’t as challenging as they seem. Surely, there’s a lot to do, but don’t be daunted by the process. Just deal with it step by step, and give yourself considerable time. Remember to take frequent breaks, stay organised, and never forget to cite the resources. You can do this! Break a leg!

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