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COM200 Starbucks introduces the key theoretical and practical aspects of communication skills. When it comes to connecting & engaging with a range of audiences, your ability to communicate effectively is crucial. This course will help you how to use a variety of communication tactics to convey vital information, create connections, & achieve individual's and teams' objectives. Ones would increase their technology abilities, allowing you to cooperate in fast-paced professional contexts.

Giving, receiving, and exchanging information — in other words, talking, writing, & listening, or reading — is the interactive process. Good communicators pay attention to what others are saying, speak and write clearly, & respect differing viewpoints. Strong communication will help children interact both in person and online. Understanding how words & visuals affect others is essential to texting, talking, and publishing appropriately.

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Teaching children to use social media safely, modeling positive communication, or viewing tv shows and movies that highlight the benefits of healthy communication can all help children develop skills. The act of sending information from one place, person, or organization to another is known as communication.

Unit details of COM200 Starbucks

Unit details of this course include the following:

Unit Code: COM200

Location: Strayer University

Country: United States

Brief on COM200 Starbucks

COM200 assessment answers are the capabilities you employ to give and receive various types of information. Communication of fresh ideas, sentiments, or even an update on your project is some examples. Listening, speaking, watching, and having empathy are all communication abilities. Understanding the variations in how to communicate via face-to-face contacts, phone talks, or digital communications like email & social media is also helpful. Strong communication skills are beneficial in all facets of life, from work to personal life, and everything in between.

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All transactions in the business are the outcome of communication. To allow others and oneself to absorb information more properly and rapidly, good communication skills are required. Poor communication skills, on the other hand, lead to a lot of misunderstanding & frustration. Communication topped the charts of the most sought-after personal qualities among employers in a 2016 LinkedIn poll conducted in the USA.

Management is the process of getting things done with the help of others. People in the organization must be educated on how to complete the tasks entrusted to them in the most efficient manner feasible. In any company, communication is critical. The following importance of communication are mentioned and discussed below:

  1. Base For Action: Any action is built on the foundation of communication. Any activity begins with communication, which provides the necessary information to get started.
  2. Planning Becomes Easy: Communication makes planning easier. Communication facilitates planning. Through communication, any type of information about the human resource requirements of each department of the organization, including qualifications, job types & types, and so on, could be gathered, which aids in human resource planning. It is possible to develop and implement policies & programs for their acquisition. Communication is critical throughout the process, so it aids the organization's managerial planning.
  3. Means of Coordination: Communication is a crucial tool for synchronizing the actions of many employees in an organization.
  4. Aids in Decision-Making: Decision-making is aided by the information gathered through communication. Communication makes it easier to get the information needed to make decisions.
  5. Boosts Motivation and Morale: A good communication system instills confidence in subordinates & employees, causing them to adjust their attitudes and behaviors. Misunderstanding is the primary source of conflict and discontent, which can be avoided through improving communication skills. The eradication of misunderstandings allows the management and his subordinates to communicate effectively and establish healthy working relationships. This improves people's morale and inspires them to work even harder.

The majority of interpersonal abilities fall into one of three categories: verbal, written, & non-verbal communication. All types of interpersonal communication require certain skills, like stress recognition & attitude.

  1. Verbal Communication: The use of words to communicate a message is known as verbal communication. Written & oral communication are examples of verbal communication. Letters are an instance of written communication. Verbal communication refers to efficiently communicating your ideas in a verbal format, for as by talking. In the commercial sector, verbal communication skills are crucial. Whether it is a weekly meeting or a presentation to stakeholders, vocal communication is crucial. A person who communicates clearly, efficiently, confidently, & charismatically is remembered by everyone.
  2. Written Communication: Written communication refers to any conversation that includes the written word. Any activity involving more than one person requires effective communication. The sending of messages, orders, and instructions in writing via letters, circulars, manuals, reports, telegrams, office memos, bulletins, as well as other ways is referred to as "written communication." It is a more formal and far less flexible mode of communication. A properly kept written document becomes a permanent record for future analysis. It may be used as evidence in court. It is inconvenient, expensive, and inappropriate for confidential or time-sensitive communication. To be effective, written communication must be clear, complete, concise, precise, & courteous.
  3. Non-Verbal Communication: Facial expressions, voice tone & pitch, body language gestures (kinesics), & physical space between communicators are all examples of nonverbal communication (proxemics). Over & above spoken (verbal) communication, nonverbal cues can provide insights, additional information, & significance. According to some estimations, nonverbal communication accounts for 70 to 80 percent of all communication. Nonverbal communication lets communicators exchange their emotional states of mind by defining the distance between them. It also governs communication flow; for example, an individual may offer signals to indicate that he has stopped speaking and that he wishes to speak.

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Weightage of this COM200 Starbucks Course Code in their Semester

The weightage of the entire course will be around 20% and to pass the semester, each student will have to score a minimum of 50%.

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