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MBA Scholarships in Australian 2022

The Ultimate Guide To MBA Scholarships In Australian 2023

Australia is the world's third most popular study-abroad destination, trailing only the United States and the United Kingdom. In the words of experts offering coursework help, Australia's world-class education system, multicultural lifestyle, stunning coastlines and climate, vibrant cities, and thriving economy have all contributed to the island nation's appeal as a study and work destination for international students. A steady influx of international students at a rate of 11% demonstrates that one can not only survive but also thrive in the country's numerous opportunities.

Australia's favourable VISA policies have also elevated the country to prominence as a top destination for MBAs and a variety of master's programmes. The fact that the majority of Australia's major cities have been ranked among the world's Top 100 student cities, as well as their truly cosmopolitan nature, is truly remarkable! Australia is one of the best countries to live in due to its high quality of life, low crime rate, high HDI, democratic institutions, and stable economy.

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Australia's economy has demonstrated resilience in the face of the pandemic, and the country has successfully reopened its doors. Its economy is highly reliant on the service sector, which accounts for approximately 65 per cent of Australian GDP. Australia also has a significant trade relationship with Southeast and East Asia, particularly with Singapore, China (although this relationship has deteriorated recently due to China's unwillingness to cooperate in the investigation of the COVID-19 virus), South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan. Additionally, they have free trade agreements with these countries, as well as the United States of America, Canada, and New Zealand. Australia's economy also benefits from tourism, as the country is home to some of the world's most exotic coastlines, heritage sites, national parks, and natural wonders. Obviously, Australia's finance sector also plays a role, with a variety of banking and finance opportunities.

International students have a plethora of opportunities in this economy. A Master's in Business Administration is one of the best ways to gain access to this lovely country and its opportunities. Now, let us consider why you should study for an MBA in Australia.

Why Should You Pursue MBA In Australia?

Apart from the reasons mentioned previously, there must be reasons for choosing a specific programme, such as an MBA, in a specific country, such as Australia.

To begin, it is critical to understand that MBA programmes in Australia are accredited by globally recognised organisations such as AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS. The programmes typically last between 16 and 24 months and cover a range of specialisations, including finance, marketing, international business, healthcare management, human resources, software management, operations, and media management. More than five Australian business schools rank among the world's Top 100 MBA programmes and B-Schools (QS 2021), and the average salary offered following an MBA in Australia is the fifth highest in the world (INR48-67 lakhs). Connect with top assignment help providers in Australia to know more about these aspects in detail.

Amazon, Alphabet, ANZ, Barclays, Bosch, Commonwealth Bank, IBM, Macquarie Group, ResMed, EY, Singtel, and Woolworths are among the top recruiters. There are numerous additional companies and sectors to which an Australian MBA can provide you with access, depending on your specialisation.

The top Australian business schools make a sizable contribution to their industries, the Australian economy, and local communities. Their world-class faculty, research output, and placements have helped Australia maintain its position as a top MBA destination.

The flexibility provided by Australian MBA programmes enables you to work part-time, which is permitted under the terms of an Australian VISA. Depending on your post-MBA credentials, your post-study work VISA could prove to be a game-changer in terms of full-time employment opportunities. It has a validity period of between two and four years.

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Basic Eligibility Criteria For  MBA In Australia

According to experts providing essay help, the primary eligibility criteria for pursuing an MBA in Australia are listed below:

  • Work Experience– Generally, admission to reputable universities in Australia requires a minimum of 2-3 years of full-time work experience. This is to ensure that the student grasps the lessons more easily and acquires some worldly and industrial knowledge.
  • Bachelor's Degree– A Bachelor's degree in a relevant field with a minimum GPA of 3.3 – 3.5 / 4.
  • GMAT – You will need high GMAT scores, with an average of 700, to gain admission to Australia's top universities. Numerous business schools require applicants to take the GMAT to determine their aptitude.
  • English language requirements– Given that English is the primary language of communication in Australia, it's natural that you'd need to demonstrate your proficiency in the language. In general, an IELTS score of 6.5 or higher and a TOEFL score of 80 or higher are preferred.

Documents Required To Enrol In  MBA Program In Australia

The following documents are fairly standard for the majority of MBA programmes offered abroad:

  • Detailed Resume:This should include a concise, organised listing of your academic and professional credentials.
  • Scanned Official Transcripts
  • Letters of Recommendation:You will require a minimum of two letters of recommendation from your previous employer and university.
  • Statement of Purpose:This one can make or break your selection. You must articulate your objectives and justify why you should be considered for this programme.
  • Scores on the GMAT/GRE
  • Scores on the IELTS
  • Health coverage:A system has been established to assist international students in obtaining health coverage. You must choose a provider and obtain coverage.
  • Proof of Work Experience:A minimum of 2-3 years.
  • VISA Requirements:Detailed information on VISA requirements.
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Top Scholarships For Pursuing MBA In Australia

There are numerous scholarship opportunities available in Australia for MBA students. In this section, we will examine some of the most prestigious scholarships available through Australian organisations and universities.

Experts offering research paper help suggest that you should visit the website of the business school or university to which you are applying and look for scholarship opportunities. Almost all business schools offer some sort of scholarship. Read their criteria for the same and conduct thorough research!

  1. Melbourne Business School (Amount: varies, Offered by: MBS Scholarships).
  2. Sydney Business School (Amount: 10%-30% tuition fee, Offered by: UOW Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship).
  3. Monash Business School (Amount: 12.2 lakhs, Offered by: Monash MBA International Women in Leadership Scholarship).
  4. Adelaide Business School (Amount: 25% of tuition fee, Offered by: Adelaide MBA Scholarship).
  5. UWA Business School (Amount: 100% tuition fee, Offered by: MBA (Intensive) International Prestige Scholarships).
  6. Australian Graduate School of Management (Amount: varies, Offered by: AGSM Global Reach Scholarship and AGSM Excellence Scholarship).
  7. Macquarie Graduate School of Management (Amount: Tuition fee waiver, Offered by: Macquarie University India Scholarship; Vice-Chancellor's International Scholarship - St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata).
  8. UTS Business School (Amount: 1 lakh-2.5 lakhs, Offered by: UQ Business School (Amount: 25% tuition fee waiver, Offered by: MBA Scholarship for Outstanding Students (Commencing and Current).
  9. UQ Business School (Amount:25% tuition fee waiver, Offered by: MBA Student Scholarship).

The Takeaway

Pursuing MBA in Australia is a dream for many learners. However, only a few succeed in this case. The above blog presents the diverse intricacies associated with the admission process of each university and available scholarships in utmost detail.

Willing To Pursue  MBA In Australia With The Best-Suited Scholarship?

Listen to what our assignment experts have to say

Lakhs of students apply for an MBA course in Australian universities. But unfortunately, only a few succeed in cutting the rope. You can be one of those fortunate ones with our experts in place. The professionals at possess extensive knowledge regarding the available scholarships in Australian universities for a world-class MBA course thereby helping in meeting your dreams.

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