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Explain 10747NAT Advanced Diploma Of Applied Blockchain

10747NAT Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain is an Advanced Diploma course provided in several colleges which is aimed towards the provision of specialist knowledge which is associated with the application of blockchain and its frameworks. To understand this skill, it is important to understand the concepts and ideas of blockchain as well.

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Blockchain is essentially a shared database which is very different from any typical database as it implements the concepts of an immutable ledger. This means that whenever data is added here, it can be stored but can never be destroyed, deleted or altered in any way. The data to be stored in the blockchain depends upon the user but they are always stored in blocks. Its immutability allows for greater security to the data making it almost impossible to cheat, hack or steal. This digital ledger is also useful as it can be duplicated which may be distributed across the whole network and every system connected to it on the blockchain. One of the most popular applications of blockchain includes bitcoin.

The 10747NAT assignment answers course on the Advanced Diploma of Applied Blockchain is one of the forefront courses in the ongoing development and emergence of new technologies and the various utilizations it brings to the table. This course is mainly intended towards the provision of a wide range of knowledge and skills to the students regarding blockchain technology and its applications. Alongside this, it must also be noted that 10747NAT assessment answers coursework would provide a great platform for learning application skills and how blockchain technology can be implemented by a person in any existing and new organization. Blockchain technology is also very helpful in gaining employment and creating scopes of employment for others.

The 10747NAT assignment answers coursework is also intended to follow a set of competencies, both general and specific which is aimed towards the betterment and help of students in understanding the concepts and applications of blockchain technologies. The students who shall be completing 10747NAT assessment answers course are expected to have the knowledge and skills necessary for demonstrating the applications of the theoretical as well as the technical knowledge they have gained and also integrated ideas and concepts in a broad range of industries. After completing the assessment, the students shall be able to understand the working of blockchain technologies and make applications of the technologies in the future. This assessment shall help them to nurture new ideas regarding the usage of new technologies.

Unit Details

Location: Mentor Education, Australia

Study level: Graduation

Unit Code: 10747NAT

Brief Of 10747NAT Advanced Diploma Of Applied Blockchain Assessment

The 10747NAT assessment answers coursework comprises various core specialist units to test the competencies of the students. After completing this assessment students shall be able to learn more about the usage of blockchain technologies. They shall be able to understand how they work and the leverages it is capable of providing the students, which they can use in the work processes in the future. The assessment helps in inducing processes that shall help the students to develop business models. They shall be able to develop a blockchain functional network for business requirements in the future. The students shall be able to develop a governance model for the usage of this technology which is essential as well.

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It is expected that graduates shall be able to answer the following questions to ensure successful completion of the assessment.

  • What is Blue Ocean Strategy? Apply the strategy for filtering strategic planning and generation of disruptive models.
  • What is a smart contract? What are the ways in which smart contracts can be secured by the means of blockchain technology?
  • Evaluate the performance of the blockchain network. Recommend certain ways which can improve the ways in which the distributed ledger network work.

Here is the set of guidelines that you are expected to follow for the completion of the coursework.

Weightage Of 10747NAT Advanced Diploma Of Applied Blockchain

The overall weightage for the 10747NAT Task solution coursework is 70 marks of the total marks allotted. There are three major questions that the students are to answer. The first two questions are of 20 marks each and the last one is of 30 marks. The questions are descriptive and analytical. The students should be able to portray the understanding of the subject through the help of this assessment.

Plagiarism is one of the most important red flags and the students should watch out for making a plagiarised solution. They should not copy the assignment directly from others, or any websites. The solution should be submitted to the portal along with the plagiarism report. The solution should be passed through TURN IT IN for checking the plagiarism count in the assessment. The percentage of plagiarism in the solution should not exceed 9 per cent. Anything beyond that shall be subjected to the ethical standards of the university. They can make alterations if necessary and resubmit them. Each student can submit the assignment as many times as they want before the final deadline. The final solution shall be automatically submitted on the due date.

Referencing is another integral part of the assessment. Students are expected to provide references at the end of each statement that has been used from different sources. Each answer should have a minimum of 5 references. The references should not be older than 5 years, that is considered references ranging from 2015 to 2022. The references should be provided in Harvard Style.

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The total word count allotted for the assignment is 2000 words. The students should try to follow the word count strictly. In any case, this shall help them to answer the questions in the right manner. The students should be able to divide the word count as per the requirement of the questions. The students can, however, exceed the word count by 10 % after which the assessment shall not be checked any further. The work should be submitted in PDF or Doc format. Any other format is not acceptable.

The students opting for an extension of the assessment should do that at least 4 days before the assessment deadline. Emergency extension of the assessment shall not be done without proper explanation or proper documentation from reputed sources.

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