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Discursive Essay Writing

Discursive Essay Writing Guide

A discursive essay is a type of writing that requires you to research a topic, gather, read, and assess information, and then present a perspective on the topic based on the evidence you've obtained.

A discursive writing is one in which you are asked to write on a topic you can either argue for or against. On the other hand, some discursive essays can be written in such a way that you don't have to choose a side and instead give your points of view on both sides in a balanced manner.

You may also be asked to write a discursive text essay, in which you must give your unbiased ideas and opinions on a topic or assertion rather than arguing for or against it.

Writing a discursive essay challenges you to consider all sides and perspectives of a topic, allowing you to think more deeply and critically. Discursive essays are divided into three categories:

  1. Opinion essay – this type of essay requires the writer to express their point of view on a topic and then back it up with evidence. Finally, before ending the essay, the writer must present counter arguments to the issue and explain why they are unpersuasive.
  2. For and against essay – it explains the advantages and disadvantages of a given issue. Before ending, the writer must express their thoughts on the subject by expressing a choice.
  3. Essay proposing a solution to a problem – describes an issue and suggests several solutions. Finally, the writer should explain why they believe it is the best answer to the situation.

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How To Write a Discursive Essay?

Structure Of A Discursive Essay

  • Begin an essay with a catchy introduction that piques the reader's curiosity. In your approach, try to avoid generalizations and prejudices.
  • State your position in the first paragraph of the essay; if the essay requires you to, you can be for or against a topic or assertion. However, in essays that do not need a specific viewpoint, you must wait until the end to express your thoughts on the subject.
  • Try to establish your arguments in the following paragraphs. You may have multiple points for your essay, but they should be written in separate paragraphs to be unique and cohesive. To reinforce your argument, you must present supporting evidence from internal or external sources whenever you develop an argument - whether for or against the topic.
  • Make sure you go from one argument to the next in a logical order; for example, if you wrote the first paragraph in support of the issue, the second paragraph should be in opposition to it, not in support. On the other hand, the third paragraph could be like the first, supporting the issue as before. The following paragraph should be like paragraph two. However, this time, it should argue against the topic. 
  • After you've written down all your views and opinions in the body portion, you'll need to concentrate on the conclusion section. To write the conclusion, you must summarise the important elements discussed in the body paragraphs above. Depending on essay style, you must explain your final view on the topic/statement, which might be for or against, or neither.

How To Use Descriptive Writing In A Sentence?

Descriptive or discursive writing must be concrete, evocative, and plausible to be effective. 

  • To be concrete, descriptive or discursive writing must provide specifics that the reader can visualize.
  • For descriptive/discursive writing to be evocative, the concrete image must be combined with phrasing that conveys the impression the writer wishes the reader to have.
  • To make the tangible, expressive image realistic, the descriptive writer must limit it to the reader's knowledge and attention span.

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Discursive Writing Examples

The following examples of descriptive/discursive writing demonstrate how strong descriptive writing may be concrete, emotive, and plausible:

  • It wasn't a sunset when she last smiled at me. It was the last eclipse of the year, with noon giving way to darkness and no dawn.
  • My Uber driver resembled a deflating balloon and sounded like repeat talk radio.
  • The older man was hunched over in a capital C, his beard nearly touching his knobby knees as he leaned forward.
  • The artwork included a field of flowers in blues and yellows on deep green stalks, as if inviting the viewer to join in the fun.
  • My dog's fur felt silky on my skin, and her black coloring gleamed, absorbing light and reflecting it like a pristine, dark mirror.
  • The sunset cast a deep red glow across the sky, igniting the clouds.
  • The waves rolled in a smooth, soothing rhythm along the shore as though dancing with the ground.
  • That year, winter came in like a middleweight, a piercing chill that you thought you could handle until the wind picked up and knocked you out.

Discursive Writing Topics

Outstanding discursive essay writing topics will encourage you to consider all sides and perspectives of an issue, forcing you to think more deeply and critically. Discursive essay topics are numerous and diverse.

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A thorough list of 50 ideas for discursive essays is provided below, which you can refer to at any moment.

  1. Is technology beneficial or harmful?
  2. Discuss the impact of social media on today's youngsters.
  3. Should cell phones be permitted in the classroom?
  4. Should there be hair-length norms or rules for guys in school?
  5. Should cancer people be euthanized?
  6. Are car prices excessively high?
  7. Should nutritious foods be more expensive than "junk" or "unhealthy" foods?
  8. Is the educational system performing as well as it should?
  9. White-collar criminality is more serious than blue-collar criminal activity.
  10. What should be the penalty for cyberbullying and trolling on the internet?
  11. Is the English language being killed by texting and texting apps like WhatsApp?
  12. Technological improvements are causing us to become more sedentary.
  13. Will Google bring about the end of privacy?
  14. Will Google usher in the abolition of privacy?
  15. Today's music isn't as excellent as it was in the year 2000.
  16. Is it appropriate for a parent to be on the same social media platform as their child?
  17. A child should start using social media at the age of sixteen.
  18. Women above the age of 35 should not have children.
  19. When should a child begin helping with household chores?
  20. Is an MBA required for commercial success?

Still Stuck with Tricky Discursive Writing Assignment?

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You can utilize the following hidden methods that expert authors employ to make your paper perfect:

  • Speak in the third person in a formal manner
  • Support your points with good and well-known examples from actual life.
  • Include citations for all borrowed ideas
  • Finish your paper at least a day before the deadline to allow for revision.
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