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Explain BUS302 Entrepreneurship - A Case Study Assignment Answers Course Code

BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Assignment Answer is a unit in business management studies that provides real-life case studies of entrepreneurs and their businesses. It describes how to start and manage a business by combining management, accounting, finance, and marketing principles. By studying entrepreneurship and innovation, you can learn the underlying principles of starting a business, avoid common pitfalls, pitch ideas more effectively, validate your product, develop a solid business model, and set yourself up for success in a field where failure is common.

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The topics that are covered in the BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study course are the challenge of entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, the entrepreneurial process, the business model forms of business ownership, franchising, buying an existing business and starting a new business, market research and strategy formulation, business planning process, legal and tax issues of intellectual property, financing of entrepreneurial ventures, financial information and management, marketing 4-Ps, e-commerce, creating a successful financial plan, operations, and risk management, managing growth, and transition, global aspects of entrepreneurship and so on.  

This BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Assignment Answerscourse has a case study-based approach that helps them become more analytical and insightful about the factors that lead to success in entrepreneurship. Through this unit, students will be able to learn about successful entrepreneurs and their journey, analyze the paths that they took and the factors that led to their success. This BUS302 unit will build entrepreneurial resilience and habits of mind to thrive in college and beyond.

Through the BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study course, students are equipped with the design-thinking skillset, an entrepreneurial mindset, and a creative, human-centric approach to problem-solving. Through the case studies, the students become more intimate with the knowledge regarding entrepreneurship, the skills, and the legislations that can work in their favor or hinder their growth.

The BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Assignmentcourse is taught in the King’s Own Institute provides this course. The BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study course is delivered through online and offline mediums. There are on-campus lectures delivered for 2 hours each week and conducted in a seminar-style. These lectures address the subject content, provide motivation and context and draw on the students’ experience and preparatory reading. Apart from this, there are 2 hours tutorials each week where the case studies are discussed along with research papers, practice sets, problem-solving, and syndicate work on group projects. There are also online teaching materials such as class materials, readings, model answers to assignments and exercises and discussion boards through Moodle.

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Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills: leadership, innovation, critical thinking, business management, time management, creative thinking and problem-solving, sell themselves and their ideas, oral and visual presentation skills, find problems worth solving, customer development, customer validation, competitive analysis, and iteration while utilizing design thinking and process tools to evaluate in real-world problems and projects, mobilize people and resources, students identify and secure customers, stakeholders, and team members through networks, primary customer research, and competitive and industry analyses in order to prioritize and pursue an initial target market in real-world projects.

Students are also expected to create value. Students are able to create presentations and business plans that articulate and apply financial, operational, organizational, market, and sales knowledge to identify paths to value creation through 1) company formation (for-profit); 2) social innovation (non-profit); or 3) intellectual property licensing, develop and cultivate endurance, students increase their awareness and deliberately practice the skills and disciplines necessary to increase confidence and agency; foster self-efficacy and self-advocacy; improve communication and problem-solving skills, manage strong impulses and feelings; and identify the personal purpose.

The BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study course focuses on developing certain graduate attributes through the set learning outcomes. The graduate attributes that students are likely to develop are knowledge, critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, using and accessing information library, ethical and cultural sensitivity, teamwork, and professional skills. The students are expected to Explain and suggest solutions to the kinds of problems encountered by small and medium entrepreneurial businesses, analyze and solve various business problems using case study approaches found in academic literature, analyze financial and strategic plans for small businesses, enhance skills in report writing, verbal communication, and collaborative decision making and articulate the importance of ethical conduct in commercial engagements.

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Unit details

Location:- Sydney, Australia

Study level: - Bachelors, Vocational and further education

Unit code:- BUS302

Brief Of BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Assessment Answers Course

BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Assessment Answers tasks will be designed to reinforce and extend knowledge and skill competence within a set and controlled parameters in accordance with each unit's learning outcomes and performance criteria requirements, including the setting of work-based practical application tasks designed to provide evidence of competence outcomes, within periodic and scheduled timelines.

Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills: leadership, innovation, critical thinking, business management, time management, creative thinking and problem-solving, sell themselves and their ideas, oral and visual presentation skills, find problems worth solving, customer development, customer validation, competitive analysis, and iteration while utilizing design thinking and process tools to evaluate in real-world problems and projects, mobilize people and resources, students identify and secure customers, stakeholders, and team members through networks, primary customer research, and competitive and industry analyses in order to prioritize and pursue an initial target market in real-world projects.

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Weightage Of This BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Task Solution Course Code

The BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study Task Solutioncourse code has a weightage of 100 in their semester including all the assignments and examinations.

This BUS302 Entrepreneurship- A Case Study course has three assessments, the first is conducted in week 6 where the students are given an individual assignment of evaluating a business plan. Thus carried 20% weightage of the total marks. The second assessment is a business proposal including a report and presentation. This is a group project and carries 40% of weightage. This assessment writing is completed by weeks 10 and 11. The final assessment is the course end final examination which carried 40% weightage. The students must secure 50% marks in the total available subject marks to pass the subject.

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