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How to end an email

How To End An Email? Overview

When you're writing an informal letter to your friend, you don't have to overthink about writing a proper ending. However, when it comes to business emails, the situation is entirely different. Emails are the perfect mode of communication to potential employers or clients, and messing up the ending can leave a wrong impression.

Therefore, you must know the correct method of how to finish an email. You need to customise the ending based on the kind of letter that you're writing. For that, let's look at some common types of email that you might write.

Three Broad Classifications of Emails

 You can classify emails into three broad types:

  • Informal emails – It is the kind that you write to your friends, relatives, and family members on any particular topic you want. The subject of an informal email can be trivial.
  • Semi-formal emails – If you want to write an email to any team member, colleague or classmate, you have to write a semi-formal type of email. The language can be friendly and casual while also maintaining a certain standard of dignity.
  • Formal emails – This kind of email is something that you write to your business clients, companies, or any form of authority. The language needs to be polite, and the email should have a proper greeting and a formal email ending.

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How To Sign Off An Email Appropriately

 There are many ways to finish an email. The best option is to have a good closing line that should confirm and clarify the letter's purpose. In the closing line, some people like to reiterate the letter's main points, provide a call to action, express gratitude and appreciation, and an invitation to continue the relationship.

Now that you have an idea of what constitutes an informal email, a semi-formal and a formal email, you need to figure out the differences in endings. Let's look at the various ways of how to close an email.

2.How To End An Informal Email

When it comes to an informal email, you don't have to maintain a serious formality in the body and the ending of the mail. You don't have to maintain any strict rules. Just think about how you would converse with your recipient face-to-face. Some of the endings that you can write are:

  • I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Please give my regards to ______.
  • With love, ________.
  • Let's meet up soon.
  • I hope you are doing well.
  • Let me know when you're free.

AS you can see, these endings are pretty casual and are more in tune with the natural flow of a conversation between friends and acquaintances. Try to avoid formal business terminologies, as these will sound inappropriate in the context of the email.

3.Semi-formal Email Endings

A semi-formal email is somewhere in between an informal email and a formal one. While you don't have to maintain the strict formal tone of the latter, you cannot be extremely casual either. Some of the common ways to end this type of email are:

  • Awaiting your response
  • Best regards
  • Emphatically
  • Good luck
  • Have a great day
  • Looking forward to _______.
  • Sincerely
  • Take care
  • Thank you for your consideration.

Semi-formal endings allow you to be more expressive and add more variation than business emails. 

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3.How To End A Formal Email

If you're writing an email to any figure of authority, government body, business client, or professional company, you have to follow the structure of a formal email. If you are representing any business, the email will reflect on your company's image. Therefore, there is no chance for any mistakes which you could have excused in an informal email.

Not sure how to end an email professionally? Just keep the following vital points in mind:

  • Keep the tone formal
  • Don't use slang words
  • Avoid using abbreviations
  • Emoticons are an absolute no!
  • Re-check your punctuations
  • Do not use exclamation marks

While you must keep the above tips in mind, you should also have a clear idea of how to end a professional business email. Let's look at some of the appropriate endings that you can use:

  • For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
  • We look forward to hearing from you again.
  • Let me know how else I can be of help.
  • Thank you for your time.
  • I look forward to our meeting on ________.
  • Thank you for sharing your expertise on the matter.
  • Looking forward to our successful venture.
  • It is always a pleasure doing business with you.

These are some common formal ways to end an email that you can use if you find yourself stuck. However, in the case of professional emails, you cannot simply end it on this note. You must attach an appropriate email signature to reinforce your role in the company and provide your recipient with your contact information for further queries.

Tips To Write The Best Email Signatures

Now that you have a clear idea of how to sign an email, you need to add a valid signature at the bottom of the email to leave a good impression on your recipient. It would be best if you remembered that you are representative of your company in a business setting. Failing to provide an email signature will affect you and leave a poor impression on the recipient about the company as a whole.

If you're wondering how to write a signature correctly, worry not! All you have to do is ensure that your signature contains five vital components:

  • Your personal and business details – Do not forget to include your full name 
  • Contact information – Ensure you give your updated information for the recipient to contact you
  • A personal photo or a company logo – This will add more authenticity to your identity
  • Call-to-action – The CTA should be polite yet assertive
  • Social media icons – These will help your recipient get a better idea about you

Good email signatures are the best method to grab the attention of your mail recipient. It should be professional and leave a lasting impression. Try not to overdo it with too much text and information. Just stick to the necessary.

As long as you follow this simple guide, it'll be a piece of cake to write any formal, semi-formal or informal email.

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Struggling To Figure Out How To End An Email?

Our Experts Are Help To Help

Emails are a fast and effective means of communication that you will find in the modern world. The way you end an email can be vital depending on what kind of mail you're sending. If it is an informal email, you can remain casual. However, in the case of formal business emails, you need to be extremely careful.

If your closing isn't the proper form of polite and include specific vital points, you will leave a wrong impression on your recipient. Therefore, don't worry too much and let our experts handle it. We have an entire team of professionals dedicated to academic writing the perfect formal email for any business or official work.

So, why lose sleep over sending business emails any longer? All you have to do is send us your requirements through our 24*7 chatbox or call us on +61-2-4312-5669, and we'll get in touch with you immediately.

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