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What is UNCC300 medical Assignment Answer course code

In our day-to-day life, people are often challenged with the thought process of serving for themselves and placing their thoughts above all. Some might even agree to the fact that being selfish is perhaps the right thing to do. The catholic university believes in bringing about a change in the world and what better way than to teach the future generations moral values and the essence of justice and unselfish acts. It takes up a lot of courage and morale to place others above one's self. The UNCC300 medical Assignment Answer unit focuses on teaching students not only to have the personal skills and knowledge but the technical managerial skills and knowledge that can bring a positive change to the global community.

The idea is not only to serve others and act in the best interest of the community but also to learn how to process information and planning and other skills which are essential in any action and activity. The UNCC300 medical Assessment Answer procedures will aim to meet the outcome of the unit learning, development of attributes that are exclusive to the graduates, and important like global change. Usage of real-world applications to extract the best out of the students.

Sample Question & Answer Of UNCC300 Justice And Change In A Global World

UNCC300 Justice and Change in a Global World


Nursing Burnout Due to High Workload
A Global issue where shared responsibility for the common good is not being realized is nursing burnout due to high workload. Workload is associated with the volume of nurses. Nursing workload measurement occurs while assessing the patients. Burnout has been associated with nurses. Nurses are facing the higher workloads due to increase in the demand of the nurses firstly. Secondly, inadequate supply of nurses. Thirdly, the hospitals have reduced staffing and increased the working hours. Fourthly, since the workload increases it results in job dissatisfaction among the nurses which further contributes to higher nurse turnover. Global issues have changed the world drastically.
On the contrary, justice consists of morality of individual rights and global common goods. Justice also deals with global health policy of individuals. Relationship between the community and self can be realized (Klinsky et al., 2017). A renewed importance on the dignity of human beings based on solidarity, action and advocacy was expressed by Pope Francis. The concept of common good was applied in ancient times. It chiefly dealt with the maintainability of the community’s responsibility. Politics is widely known and it fascinates the demands and interests of individuals. Individuals who are present in the world faced global issues. Global challenges are generally faced to resolve but were criticized instead on policy networks, advocacy, governance and regulatory networks. Read More...

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The main aim is to develop the relationship between oneself and the community. Globally when everyone learns to accept each other and think for each other that is when the world will truly become a better place. All the skills that will help in understanding and developing relationship and cooperative efforts towards the government, community, and faith groups is what the unit will aim at teaching. The skills and knowledge every student will possess on completion will make them ready to be an agent for change in the world. Australian Catholic University is responsible to teach a course on how important it is to have good faith and serve the community.

Unite details:

Location – Australia

Study level – Independent graduation module

Unit code – UNCC300

Brief of UNCC300 medical Task Solution

The UNCC300 medical Task Solution course is structured in a way that it is dedicated to giving 150 hours of learning that will focus on all the aspects of the unit. The system is all discussed and planned hence the teaching and delivery of the course will be disciplined and observed to make sure that there are no discrepancies. Team teaching methodology will be used throughout the course to preach the essence of teamwork, community building, and unselfish act for the greater good. The UNCC300 medical Assessment Answer course is to be delivered by both face-to-face and online models for the ease of functioning for both students and teachers. There are essentially three learning outcomes in this course:

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  • Find a major global issue that is to be analyzed to show how shared responsibility for the purpose of the common good is not taking place and to recommend ways or solutions to the challenges and how it can be changed for a much more positive outcome.
  • Describe how any individual along with nonprofit organizations, government groups, faith groups, and private and public sectors together can work towards building a better global community.
  • Find out the challenges in the common good realization in your own community, workplace, and others; observe and suggest recommendations to improve.

The UNCC300 Medical Assignment unit will touch upon various topics that are essential to the course and important in the growth and learning of the student. The UNCC300 Medical topics that will be touched varies but mainly will be frameworks for human dignity, various real-life case studies, historical examples, and their analysis, community engagement principles, various models and outcomes of community engagement along with its nature, taking the mental health aspect and showing how the community in general or the fact that the thought process of the common good can impact the mental health of individuals especially when they are key triggers of sense of belonging.

The UNCC300 Medical course can be delivered by any of the three methods listed by the university

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  1. Complete online
  2. Mixed model that will have 10-week sessions in a normal university semester format, lectures and tutorials will be delivered online
  3. Extending the length of the course and dividing it into winter and summer semesters

The UNCC300 Medical Assessment course will comprise 150 hours of study, where the teachers will provide every student learning materials and active participation will be ensured. The idea is to make sure that students are participating in every activity along with their fellow peers so that they can learn from one another and learn to coexist right from the base level. Students will have the provision of learning modules along with forums for discussion and chat rooms which can be positive. They will be provided links for eBooks and study materials. A self assignment help feature has been added so that students have a better understanding of their own improvement and progress.

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Weightage of the UNCC300 Medical Assessment courses

The weightage is divided into 3 parts between three assessments. Assessment 1 has 20% of the entire course. This UNCC300 Medical Assessment is a multi-media presentation that requires the student to show their learning of certain knowledge components of the first lesson. After that comes the second assignment where the division is 30% that requires opinion editorial where students have to produce a critical analysis of various challenges that discuss the aspirations and difficulties in the community both locally and globally. The final assessment is the assignment that has the rest of the weightage of 50% and perhaps the most detailed paper that students need to produce. It will be a critical analysis essay where they are required to select any on a major global issue that shows that the common good is not being practiced the consequences of it as well; they are to also recommend solutions that can change the situation and lead to a better outcome.

Other course code pages: CHCECE005 assessment answers | CHCECE007 assessment answers | CHCECE009 assessment answers | CHCGRP002 assessment answers

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