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University Of Technology Sydeny
Task: Scenario
After initial Community consultation Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders at UTS have proposed the development of a health degree that aims to prepare students to work with and in Aboriginal Health Services and Programs and as such have identified the need for further in-depth Community Consultation.
After informal conversations with a number of Aboriginal health and community service providers UTS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leaders identified the need for the development of a health related degree that promotes a strength-based approach to working with Communities to support health and wellbeing. The UTS leaders imagine that the degree will be broad enough to allow graduates to work in any service/program that supports health and wellbeing. This might include community health services; health promotion programs; educational development; sports and community clubs; community services; local health services; local council programs; targeted health programs and any service that has a focus on Indigenous health and wellbeing.
Part A: Group submission
Using the scenario above, in groups (4-5 students per group), students will develop a Community Consultation plan for this health-related program that will be situated at UTS. Within the plan, students will provide an overview on the importance of Community consultation when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Students should identify six (6) potential organisations (within the Sydney area) that should be invited to participate in the Community consultation and provide information on the organisation and their potential interest in the project. Students will also need to provide information on, and justification of the proposed format for the consultation. An agenda for the day should be prepared and also a copy of a letter of invitation to one of the organisations they have decided to invite. limited to a single page for each)
Part B: Individual Portfolio
Each student will submit their collated activities from each of the sessions that required a portfolio entry.
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