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INFS 4018
University of South Australia
In this project analysis will be carried out to find the reasons to why the infection spreads at a faster rate during the seasons. The prevention measures will also be looked at since this disease has contributed too many losing their lives and children remaining orphans, it has also affected the Australian economy heavily. Furthermore, we will also focus on factors facilitating the epidemics such as time, geography, intensity and even dynamics. The analysis will be carried out using the data provided in the Microsoft Excel. During the analysis, there will be a better understanding of the data through visualization and test of hypothesis.
In the data set, the variables and rows contain some values whose definitions are described below;
Week Ending
It shows the date of the Friday following the day that the notified was diagnosed with influenza.
Is the jurisdiction where the diagnosis occurred?
NSW = New South Wales
NT = Northern Territory
Qld = Queensland
SA= South Australia
4TAS = Tasmania
Vic = Victoria
WA = Western Australia
Age Group
Are presented according to a notified complete years example 00-4 represents person of 5 years and below
Represents the sex of the person at the time of notification
Indigenous status
It is determined by descent, self-identification and being accepted by the community
Indigenous = Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin
Non-Indigenous = not Aboriginal and/ or Torres Strait Islander origin
Unknown = Not stated
Type or subtype
The type or subtype of the virus causing influenza in the notified case.
From the original data set source, we will construct a data set of approximately 150 sample size. The data set constructed will contain variables and rows. The analysis of the data set will begin with description statistics, under this is the measure of central tendencies and the measure of variability will be analysed.
The frequencies will also be analysed using visualization tools such as histogram, pie chart etc. The analysis will be done using different softwares. The other analysis that will be carried out using this data set is the inferential statistics, under this ANOVA, t-test etc. would be done. Then there will be a better interpretation of the analysis and findings to suggest the recommendation to the Public Health Service Department of Australia for improving the quality of life.
From the provided data, we get a variety of relation with the infected count.
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