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TAFE Queensland
Using the information in Scenario 1, prepare a written report for the College Board of Directors. The report must:
1. Identify and explain the procedures required for the library’s current operations to remain compliant with current copyright legislation. Ensure your answer:
Explains special provisions for libraries
Explains special provisions for educational facilities
Defines "fair use"
Defines "authorising infringement"
2. Analyse the Western State College Library policy and :
Assess and describe its compliance with the organisation’s obligations to copyright law.
Identify a minimum of 3 areas of non-compliance for copyright or using licensed materials.
3. For each gap identified in the current policy, suggest actions to address these gaps.
4. Provide a minimum of two suggestions for contacts for specialist advice in the event that there are any issues where you do not have the relevant information.For each contact describe how they may be of assistance.
5. List the steps you would take to submit this report within two weeks to the College Board of Directors. Describe how you will meet this deadline. written report for the College Board of Directors. The report must:
1. Identify three Australian collecting institutions that may potentially hold this collection and justify each institution's suitability by referring to their organisational procedures and guidelines for accepting donations and sponsorship.
2. Recommend the preferred collecting institution.Include the reasons why the other institutions may not be suitable for the collection.
3. Explain the link or "fit" between the collection policies of the recommend institution to the value of the collection. Using the information in Scenario 3, prepare a written risk analysis (approx 600 words) The document must:
1. Identify any copyright or licence risks associated with accepting the donation.
Ensure you include reference to:
copyright of artistic works
copyright to protect ideas, methods or styles,
factors around permission required from the copyright owner
moral and community considerations
2. Explain the importance to Continuous Cultures, Ongoing Responsibilities Principles and Guidelines 2005 and suggest ways that the principles could be implemented for this collection. Using the information in Scenario 4 , prepare a presentation in a suitable format (approx 10 slides ) to present to staff. The presentation must include:
1. A summary of copyright licencing obligations under Part VA and VB.
Digital material, contracts and copyright
Understanding different licences
Management of electronic resources
Legal actions of copyright owners
Special provisions
The role of Screenrights and CAL in remuneration
2. The legal and economic implications of infringing copyright. Ensure that you include:
Civil actions and remedies
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