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Melbourne Institute of Technology
There are three types of resources which create value through collaboration. Informational resources refer to knowledge and skills. Social resources refer to one’s awareness, access and position in the network. Personal resources include one’s own time and energy. For collaboration to be cost effective, these resources must be managed effectively.
Using Proquest, do a literature search identifying at least one article relevant to each of the four key questions that you have identified. Then summarize each of the articles you have linked to the four key questions and demonstrate its link to the question you have identified in the core article.
You are actually constructing a mini-Literature Review. You must complete it with a Bibliography in Harvard referencing style.
1: Requirements are minimally addressed, information is unclear and/or not well-developed.
2: Requirements are fairly well addressed but not all information is fully explained or supported.
3: Requirements are fully addressed and supported by rich, pertinent details; leading to high-level idea development
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