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Macquarie University
CIA is the underlying concept of providing uninterrupted, continuous and reliable access to information resources. Critically examine the CIA concept identifying the strengths and weaknesses of it and compare and contrast it against other similar models.
Combines all three elements of an introduction coherently. Provides a stepwise plan for the paper and displays a well thought out approach, indicating specific examples to be used.
Combines all three elements of an introduction coherently. Provides a stepwise plan for the paper. Has all three elements of an introduction but lacks clarity and/or brevity.?Is missing one of the elements of an introduction and is lacking clarity and/or brevity. Is missing two or more of the elements of an introduction.
Clearly stated argument progressed throughout the paper?HD Clear and well-integrated sense of argument that flows through the entire paper.
Argument directly referred to in the main body. Central argument is a clear driving force in the paper. All of the examples and arguments used directly relate to the main argument in the paper.
D Clear statement of argument in the introduction and conclusion, and indirectly mentioned within the main body of the paper. The argument drives the use of examples and ideas, though there is potential for improvement in the delivery and/or linkage back to the core of the paper.
C Some type of statement of argument in the introduction and conclusion, but reference to the argument in the main body is vague. Relates the examples used to the central argument, and there is a sense of a case being built. However, there are some instances where the links between them are unclear.
P Indicates that there might be some positions taken in the paper, but this is not made explicit and does not come through in the main body. Makes an attempt to build up a convincing case, but fails to adequately link the examples and ideas used to the central point of the paper's argument.
F Does not appear to contain any clear argument, either in the introduction/conclusion or in the main body. Does not link the example(s) used to the argument (if there is one) and there is no sense of the paper working towards making the reader understand the position of the author.
Integrates appropriate evidence and argument in a sophisticated manner. The support chosen is entirely in alignment with the core argument of the paper and successfully engages with alternative viewpoints. Cleverly uses appropriate examples and quotes. The examples used are interesting, engaging, and well chosen to best support the argument.
Integrates appropriate evidence and argument. The support chosen is in alignment with the core argument of the paper and successfully engages with alternative viewpoints. Uses appropriate examples and quotes. The examples used are interesting, engaging, and well chosen to support the argument.
Integrates evidence and supportive arguments. The support chosen is generally in alignment with the core argument of the paper and acknowledges alternative viewpoints. Uses appropriate examples and quotes, though they may not be used to best effect. The examples used are engaging and reasonably well chosen to best support the argument.
Uses some appropriate evidence and argument in the paper. The support chosen is broadly in alignment with the core argument of the paper, though there may be some misinterpretation of evidence and contradictory statements. Alternative viewpoints are not particularly well addressed. Uses quotes, though they may not all be relevant or used to best effect. The examples used are chosen to support the argument, though they may not always do so effectively.
Does not use appropriate evidence or argument. The support chosen is generally taken out of context or misrepresented, and opposing viewpoints are not adequately dealt with. Either does not use examples and/or quotes, or they are chosen poorly and they do not assist the argument being made (if one exists in the paper).
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