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Holmes Institute
Students are required to demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge of strategic management in an international context.
This assignment aims at demonstrating theoretical and practical knowledge towards identifying various strategic adopted by companies in a global environment.
Step 1: identify a company (Australian Company only) in any industry of their choice. This could be the company you are currently work in or have worked in previously, or a company you are otherwise familiar with, either through personal experience or through literature search. Following are the industries from where you can choose a company:
• Agriculture
• Tourism
• Pharmaceutical
• Health
• Organic food
• Wine
• Sports/Events
• Information Technology
• Communication
Step 2: The chosen company and group membership list must be approved by your lecturer latest in week 6. Each group must select different company which will be approved on a ‘first-come first-serve’ basis.
Step 3: Your task then is to examine the environment the company has been operating and its growth strategies drawing on relevant concepts and theories taught in this unit.
Step 4 Based on your examination in step 3 above, make specific recommendations on alternative growth strategies for the company.
Use the following structure for your assignment:
1. Introduction – Industry and your company
2. The micro and macro-environment in which this company is operating – briefly discuss main factors
3. Company’s competitive advantage over its rivals.
4. Is this company following any Generic Strategies of Porters (Cost leadership, Focus or Differentiation)
5. Company’s growth strategies like diversification or Integration or if company is using Ansoff matrix to grow in their market.
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