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Griffith University
Drawing on relevant academic and other literature including government and reputable business research reports, identify current trends in the use of IT and associated technologies such as AI, Big Data. IoT and advanced robotics to automate and ‘informate’ /leverage work activities in a single profession or industry of your choice, and analyze the challenges posed by these trends for HR managers, workers and other stakeholders. Provide real world examples to support your analyses. Propose strategies to address the challenges identified.
Draw on concepts, theories and frameworks from the course to:
A.Collect and analyse relevant data
1.Identify the industry or profession of your choice e.g. auto manufacturing; legal/accounting services; banking; teaching; business process outsourcing/call centres; other
2.Identify relevant technologies that appear to be impacting work in that profession or industry
3.Identify one or more key jobs/roles within the profession or industry and decompose the job/role by reference to the specific tasks/activities and the competencies /capabilities required to perform those activities.
B.Describe and critically analyse the key issues
1.Technological impacts on key work activities including automating and informating/leveraging.
2.Impacts on worker jobs and roles.
3.Impacts on HRM practices e.g. staffing; recruitment and selection; training; compensation; performance management; diversity management; industrial/employment relations.
C.Propose strategies to address the challenge(s)
1.Briefly discuss and rank the key impacts from your preceding analyses in terms of their importance/effects
2.Propose strategies or policies that major stakeholders may use to address the issues. e.g. firms, industry bodies, managers and workers
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