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ITC505 ICT Project Management

Published : 18-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


Create a risk register for your example project. Quality Management Plan.  It should include A short statement that reflects your team philosophy or objective for ensuring that you deliver a quality system to your client. 

Develop and describe 3 quality issues related to this project that your project team could implement to ensure quality
Develop a closure checklist that the project team will use to ensure that the project has been closed properly.
Develop a project evaluation –outline and discuss how your project MOV will be evaluated.


Data is going to play a key role in the process of decision making when we see it from a futuristic point of view. All the big organizations are collecting data furiously and waiting for the right time to come when they will utilize it for social and institutional profits (Ross, 2016).

The current facility will collect data for social purposes, the research programs conducted by this proposed research center can be utilized by the government sector, social and business sector quite effectively when they will think that they are in a need to know the pulse of the people.

 High-Level Scope associated with the Project

In the coming future, a meaningful database will become a real estate for the business owners and other big organization, it is a kind of capital for the future that this research facility will develop. In the coming future, based on available data, this research center can earn a profit with the help of commercial activities.

 Primary Deliverables 

The development of the website and commission of the staff can be considered as the primary deliverable in this project. It should move on as a simultaneous process because, in the end, it is the human ware, which is equally important to bring in a proper utilization of the IT facility that we are going to create in this project. This project is starting on a note where we have some assets in the form of human ware. Getting the best performance out of these human-ware assets of the company is among the primary deliverables as well.  

Benefits of the Project 

Extracting some behavior patterns and opinions with the help of a social media platform is the latest trend. Right now, they are doing it on a commercial level with an aim to decipher the behavior of the customer. This research center will evaluate this data with an intention to support the cause of social capital and thus it is important.

Limitations of the Project

Getting an access to the social media related activities beyond the realms of privacy policies of various sites can become a restriction for this research center. It can act as a limiting factor in some cases.

MOV of the Project

“Social,” “Strategy” and “Do more” can be considered as the keywords when we discuss the MOV of the project. The operations that will take place in this research center will deal with the social behavior and try to translate this social behavior into a social capital The social capital gained by the company will help various organizations in forming the strategies when they will come up with new ideas. The possibilities in the field of Decision support system or DSS are infinite; many companies are doing ardent research on the issue. Our endeavor is "with the time" and has a futuristic thought process attached to it.

The sector of financial banking is already using this kind of research facilities; they are coming up with small surveys based on random sampling methods to meet their information related demands. Most of these companies are doing this researcher based on the parameters of the real-world behavior of the individuals, they are taking the support of the social media in the task and using it as a method of contact (F.Adam, 2010).

In our case, the things are different; we are going to figure out the behavior of the masses based on their activities on the social media platforms. We are not going to utilize social media platforms as another method of contact we are going to utilize them as our primary source. This creates a USP for us and separates us from the clutter of the other organizations.

Acceptance level 

During our feasibility study, we draw some milestones for the projects. We will achieve our first milestone when we will be ready with a website to conduct the internal business of the organization. We have already set up a technical committee in the core that will look after the networking part of the operations. The second milestone will be achieved when we will come up with a system that will have a universal access to all, in other words here we can also consider in the terms of introducing a website for the mobile screens and cloud computing solutions as well.

Constraints in the Process of achieving the milestones

The project sponsor and the primary stakeholders in the project share a great rapport with local social networking sites, we are also benchmarking our results with the results of Australian universities, cumulatively these two factors can bring in an additional pressure on us. If we ended up delivering the same stuff that an Australian university is delivering then it can become a fruitless exercise, therefore coming up with some innovative methods to access data is necessary for us.

The primary stakeholders in this setup can be listed down as follows.

  1. Project sponsor
  2. Project Manager
  3. IT head (head of the technical department)
  4. Research head (Head of the research department)
  5. Research Team
  6. Local social media players
  7. The team behind the erection of the infrastructure
  8. Web development team
  9. Research Program development team
  10. Supporting staff (accounting and HR)
  11. Project Management Team

The secondary stakeholders can also be counted they might make a late entry in the game, however, their role cannot be denied during the stage of the planning

  1. Australian university research cell (For primary setup)
  2. Local administration
  3. Commercial users of research database

The role of a project manager is not confined to the inception of the facility alone. As a project manager one must preempt the future functionality of the organization that they are trying to setup. The planning stage is very important because it is the time when the curve of knowledge starts shaping up, any wrong decision here can lead a project in the wrong direction (Young, 2016).

Under the capacity of being a project manager, I hear by recommend that in my view the risk factor associated with the project are confined to the commissioning and retention of the IT teams and main research teams.

The project is blessed with the local social media support which is a boon, meeting the timeline while dealing with the IT related infrastructure can be a demanding task.

This project certainly has a commercial viability and we can create a sustainable business model with the ongoing operations of the project.   

The main purpose of this plan is to keep all the stakeholders on the same page about the progress of the project. This plan will make sure that all the stakeholders are meeting after regular intervals. Along with this project management team will also create a channel of communication where stakeholders can be contacted in the case of an emergency or create temporary decision support system to check out certain unforeseen events.

Under this plan, we will identify the stakeholders under two brackets, the first bracket will consist of active stakeholder. Project management team, Project sponsors and Executive head of various departments will be considered as active participants.  

As the things, will grow, passive participants like the team taking care of research programs or the IT team will also join the league of active stakeholders.

The team of active stakeholders will meet once in a week at the site of the construction or the lab where website development will be on, they will share the notes related to the progress of the project. Both active and passive stakeholders will meet in a formal meeting once in a month during this meeting project manager will announce the names of the passive stakeholders that are required to play an active role in the process.

We will also page a blog or a forum where we will update the progress of the project and share the notes with all the stakeholders.The meeting for the change management related activities will take place prior to the beginning of phase one. Either here we will appoint a change management team among the existing members or we can also hire a change management firm as well.

This change management team will meet with the stakeholders once in a month, the agenda for this meeting will be confined towards, change management and risk management.  

Project schedule with cost: -

Task Name





Website Development Project

173 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Project Management

173 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM



21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM


Cost and Schedule Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Task Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Scope Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Project Office Administration

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Human Resource Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Space and Facilities Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Risk Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Procurement Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


Quality Management

152 days

02 March 2017 8:00 AM

29 September 2017 5:00 PM


System Engineering

21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM


Technical Planning

21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM


Technical Supervision

21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM


Business Requirement Supervision

21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM


System Requirements Definition

21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM


System Architecture and Top Level Design

21 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

01 March 2017 5:00 PM



4 mons

06 March 2017 8:00 AM

23 June 2017 5:00 PM


Software Design

1 mon

06 March 2017 8:00 AM

31 March 2017 5:00 PM


Software Requirement Specification

1 mon

06 March 2017 8:00 AM

31 March 2017 5:00 PM


Software Work Package Definition

1 mon

06 March 2017 8:00 AM

31 March 2017 5:00 PM


Software Prototyping

1 mon

06 March 2017 8:00 AM

31 March 2017 5:00 PM


Software Unit Detailed Design

1 mon

06 March 2017 8:00 AM

31 March 2017 5:00 PM


Software Build

2 mons

03 April 2017 8:00 AM

26 May 2017 5:00 PM


Software Unit Coding

1 mon

03 April 2017 8:00 AM

28 April 2017 5:00 PM


Software Unit Debugging

1 mon

01 May 2017 8:00 AM

26 May 2017 5:00 PM


Unit Testing

1 mon

29 May 2017 8:00 AM

23 June 2017 5:00 PM


Unit Test Planning

1.5 wks.

29 May 2017 8:00 AM

07 June 2017 12:00 PM


Unit Test Case Preparation

1 wk.

07 June 2017 1:00 PM

14 June 2017 12:00 PM


Unit Test Conduct

1 wk.

14 June 2017 1:00 PM

21 June 2017 12:00 PM


Unit Test Records

0.5 wks.

21 June 2017 1:00 PM

23 June 2017 5:00 PM



2 mons

02 February 2017 8:00 AM

29 March 2017 5:00 PM


Hardware Requirement Planning

1 mon

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

28 February 2017 5:00 PM


Hardware System Definition

1 mon

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

28 February 2017 5:00 PM


Hardware Component Selection

2 wks.

01 March 2017 8:00 AM

14 March 2017 5:00 PM


Hardware Unit/Component Testing

2 wks.

15 March 2017 8:00 AM

28 March 2017 5:00 PM


Deliverables Management

20 days

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

28 February 2017 5:00 PM


Deliverables Tracking

2 wks.

01 February 2017 8:00 AM

14 February 2017 5:00 PM


Deliverable Production and Packaging

2 wks.

15 February 2017 8:00 AM

28 February 2017 5:00 PM


System Test

25 days

01 March 2017 8:00 AM

04 April 2017 5:00 PM


Module and Sub System Testing

2 wks.

01 March 2017 8:00 AM

14 March 2017 5:00 PM


System Integration Testing

1 wk.

15 March 2017 8:00 AM

21 March 2017 5:00 PM


Acceptance Testing

1 wk.

22 March 2017 8:00 AM

28 March 2017 5:00 PM


Defect Classification, Tracking and Testing

1 wk.

29 March 2017 8:00 AM

04 April 2017 5:00 PM


Support Services

30 days

07 August 2017 8:00 AM

15 September 2017 5:00 PM


Configuration Management

1 wk.

07 August 2017 8:00 AM

11 August 2017 5:00 PM


Quality Assurance

1 wk.

14 August 2017 8:00 AM

18 August 2017 5:00 PM


Development Tools and Utilities

1 wk.

21 August 2017 8:00 AM

25 August 2017 5:00 PM


Development Environment Upkeep

1 wk.

28 August 2017 8:00 AM

01 September 2017 5:00 PM


Internal Product Liaison

1 wk.

04 September 2017 8:00 AM

08 September 2017 5:00 PM


Team Technical Training

1 wk.

11 September 2017 8:00 AM

15 September 2017 5:00 PM



30 days

23 June 2017 5:00 PM

04 August 2017 5:00 PM


Installation Planning

1 wk.

23 June 2017 5:00 PM

30 June 2017 5:00 PM


User Support Documentation

1 wk.

03 July 2017 8:00 AM

07 July 2017 5:00 PM


User Communication and Training

1 wk.

10 July 2017 8:00 AM

14 July 2017 5:00 PM


Installation Management and Coordination

1 wk.

17 July 2017 8:00 AM

21 July 2017 5:00 PM


Installation Testing and Verification

1 wk.

24 July 2017 8:00 AM

28 July 2017 5:00 PM


Installation Performance Monitoring

1 wk.

31 July 2017 8:00 AM

04 August 2017 5:00 PM


Risk Register




Risk value


Mitigation Plan

Scope Creep




Change Manager

Proper change management steps to be followed

Unstable System




IT Lead

Proper and exhaustive testing to take place before going live

Unavailability of Resource




Resource Manager

Resource manager to have enough resources in pool to cover any resource crunch

Successful Delivery




Project Manager

Successful Delivery of this project will lead to more such opportunities for the team.

 Quality Plan

Quality is nothing but customer confirmation to the product developed. The team shall prepare the website as per requirements submitted by the client and will abide by the acceptance plan agreed among the stakeholders.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Project would be viable on terms of design that is functional on all platforms as agreed.
  • The website would be checked for complete functionality for each feature that is mentioned in the scope document.
  • The website will be checked for proper navigation, testing each link.
  • The basic security features will be enabled on website which will be enhanced in next phases.
  • The up time of 90% would be required to be fulfilled once the website is live and running.


F.Adam. (2010). Bridging the Socio-technical Gap in Decision Support Systems: Challenges for the next decade. 

Ross, A. (2016). The industries of the future. 

Young, T. L. (2016). Successful Project Management. 

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