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HLT51612 Nursing

Published : 10-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


The answer sheet and your presentation are evaluated and the student will be assessed by the assessor based on the marking guide attached with the topic question.
Topics for presentation
1. Chronic Wounds
a. Definition
c. Pathology
d. Treatment and management

2. Explain in detail the phases of wound healing The phases of wound healing are:
a. Haemostasis
b. Inflammation
c. Proliferation or Granulation
d. Remodelling or Maturation
3. Moist wound healing
a. Aim
b. Principles
c. Advantages

d. Types of wounds where this technique can be applied
e. Dressing Materials favouring this technique. How does it work.
4. Compression Therapy
a. What are the conditions/ types of wounds where compression therapy is used
b. Goals of compression therapy
c. Types of compression devices and briefly explain them
d. Patient Assessment


Micro-organisms usually invade the body of healthy human beings. Host’s body responds to the microbial toxins. Interaction takes place between the host, microbial component and the environment. Microbes from the body of the host enters the portal of exit by using a suitable mode of transmission. It then enters into another host through portal of entry to cause infection. 

Etiological agents 

Endogenous infection (Also called self infection): Organisms which is harmless at one particular site may becime harmful at another site. Eg: Escherichia coli remain harmless in digestive sytem but become harmful ehen reaches the urinary tract causing infection (Goldrick, 2003, pp. 105-6). Exogenous infection (also called cross infection): infection of this type takes place when germs neter the site of infection form a completely different source. Eg: Salmonella typhi infects organisms during consumption of food carrying such organelles. 


This may take place in human body where microorganism reside from where they directly get transferred into another human being without any intermediate mediums like in mumps, measles and others (Taylor, Latham & Mark, 2001, pp. 983-9) These may also taka place in animals from where it is spread to humans like plague, rabies and others. The reservoir may also be formed in the environmental components which involve soil, water, plants. The micro*organisms may include Histoplasma capsulatum and Legionella pneumophila 

 Portal of exit:  

Microorganisms responsible for occurrence of flu may come out from the host through the pathway of the respiratory tract. Microorganisms responsible for occurrence of cholera may come out from the host through the pathway of fecal route. Microorganisms responsible for occurrence of schistosomiasis may come out from the host through the pathway of urine. 

 Means of transmission:  

Direct: Direct (Via contact or droplets): it occurs when the transmission takes place directly by sneezing or coughing resulting in droplets or entering via skin. This occurs from the infected source. Eg: intestinal disease from hookworm (Pica & Bouvier, 2012, pp. 90-5) Indirect: Transmission of infectious agent by air, vehicle, mechanical or biological vectors. Eg: measles spread via air. 

 Portal of Entry:  

Microbes may prefer same place for entry like influenza virus and also different sites of entry like the microbes causing gastroenteritis. This may include: Openings of the body. Mucosal membranes Fresh wounds on skin Intubation in the body 

Susceptible host: 

Genetic constitution and lack of immunity makes an individual more prone or susceptible to infection (Serjeant, 2010, pp. 425-9)..  Some of the factors that result in the enhancement of the susceptibility of the germs towards the individuals may be  lack of proper diets,  alcoholism,  treatments weakening the non-specific immune response of host. 


Ebert, D. (2013). The epidemiology and evolution of symbionts with mixed-mode transmission. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 44, 623-643.  Goldrick, B. A. (2003).
Foodborne Diseases: More efforts needed to meet the Healthy People 2010 objectives. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 103(3), 105-106.  Greub, G., & Raoult, D. (2003).
Morphology of Legionella pneumophila according to their location within Hartmanella vermiformis. Research in Microbiology, 154(9), 619-621.  Kauffman, C. A. (2007).
Histoplasmosis: a clinical and laboratory update. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 20(1), 115-132.  Pica, N., & Bouvier, N. M. (2012). Environmental factors affecting the transmission of respiratory viruses. Current Opinion in Virology, 2(1), 90-95.  Ronald, A. (2003).
The etiology of urinary tract infection: traditional and emerging pathogens. Disease-a-Month, 49(2), 71-82.  Serjeant, G. R. (2010). One hundred years of sickle cell disease. British Journal of Haematology, 151(5), 425-429.  Taylor, L. H., Latham, S. M., & Mark, E. J. (2001).
Risk factors for human disease emergence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 356(1411), 983-989. 
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