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In the current scenario, an organization has major opportunity to promote their product and services by using social media in the different area. The traditional approach of promotion cannot be effective to make a different image at international level. Through social media, an organization can be able to enhance their product and services in different countries in less time and cost. It is analyzed that the social media marketing is effective for generating the brand awareness in many geographical corners. Besides this, traditional media vehicles are not enough in increasing the brand image at world level (Braojos, et al., 2015). This research study has concentrated on the advantages and disadvantages of social media practices in business.
The main aim of this research is to address the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in business.
This research proposal is significant to create depth understanding towards the advantages and disadvantages of using the social media in business. The application of social media in the business can be motivating subject for the research. The best knowledge towards the application of social media can improve the performance of the organization and enhance the professional life in the upcoming period. This research proposal is effective for the researcher to get a feasible result in future. In the current scenario, an organization implies the social media to maintain the efficacy of organization and staff member. This research proposal can be imperative for the organization to make an effective decision and improve the social media practices in their firm. This research proposal can be imperative for the researcher due to gaining their knowledge towards different tools and techniques of social media. Consequently, it can support to improve the productivity of company and organization (Inversini, et al., 2014).
As per the view of Drotner and Schrøder (2014), the significance of social media practice in enhancing the brand awareness is the major concern of this research study. Through the appropriate social media marketing approaches and policies, an organization can be able to introduce their goods and services at international level. Under the literature review, many kinds of social media approaches are discussed. It also discussed the advantages and disadvantages of social media marketing in business. Besides this, this research study is based on critically analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of social media practices. An organization can obtain the positive result and promote the brand with the help of social media.
In the current scenario, an employee of an organization is not capable to manage the modern technology. Hence, employees are unable to promote their business through social media. Additionally, this research is supportive to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of social media practices in business.
Under the literature review, the research will primarily focus on the offering the many kinds of strategies to improve the social media practices. From this, the researcher will get the opportunity to critically analyze the social media practice. This research study will concentrate on discusses the advantages and disadvantages of social media practices in business rather than demonstrating the types of social media (Poell, 2014).
The research methodology can support the researcher to collect the appropriate techniques to collect the adequate data towards the research issues. The research methodology chapter includes some techniques such as research strategy, research philosophy, research design, data collection method, and sampling. In addition, the research limitation and research limitation, and data analysis method can also help the researcher to get feasible result towards the research issues (Ventola, 2014).
Research philosophy can be effective to collect the adequate data in the context of advantages and disadvantages of using social media in the business. For this research study, the interpretivism philosophy will be implied by researcher because it enabled the researcher to collect the perception and opinion of participants towards the research dilemma. It can support to collect the reliable and valid result in the context of the research issue. Besides this, the researcher will not imply the positivism and realism because there is no need of proving the hypothesis (Wamba and Carter, 2016).
In this research study, the researcher will use the inductive approach as compared to the deductive approach. Since, the inductive approach will support the researcher to collect the theoretical understanding regarding research matter. It will also help the researcher to improve the validity and reliability of research result. With the support of this research approach, a researcher will be capable to collect the valid conclusion and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of social media practices in the business. Beside this, a researcher will not imply the deductive approach because it cannot be appropriate to collect the appropriate data in the context of research issues (Tsimonis and Dimitriadis, 2014).
In this research study, a researcher will use exploratory research method to gather the valid information towards the research matter. In addition, the exploratory research design will enable the researcher to collect the appropriate information towards the research issues. At the same time, it can be said that researcher will capable to pool the perception of respondents regarding the research issue to attain the objectives of research and answer the research questions. In addition, the research will not imply the descriptive research design because there is no need to identify the cause and effect relationship (Luo, et al., 2015).
The research strategy can play an imperative role in the accomplishment of research objectives in a systematic manner. There are two kinds of research strategy such as qualitative and quantitative research design. For this research, a researcher will imply both research strategies to meet the reliable result and solve the research issues. In addition, the qualitative research strategy enabled the researcher to collect the nob-numeric data in the context of the research dilemma. Beside this, a researcher will use the quantitative research strategy to collect the numeric data about the research matter (Marwick and Boyd, 2014).
The data collection method can help to collect the suitable data regarding the research issues. There are two kinds of data collection method such as primary and secondary data collection method such as primary and secondary data collection method. For this research, a researcher will sue mixed data collection method. The primary data collection method will aid the researcher to collect fresh data regarding research issues. There are different kinds of sources that are included in the primary data collection method like an interview, survey through a questionnaire, and observation method. It will help to improve the reliability and validity of the result. On the other side, the secondary data collection method allows the researcher to collect the theoretical knowledge from the existing data. There are different methods that are considered in the secondary data collection method such as journal article, book, online and offline sources, and company sites (Paton and Johnston 2017).
In this research, the researcher will use probability sampling method to collect the information in context research issues. The probability sampling method enabled the researcher to perform the research without any biases. From this, a researcher will offer an equal chance to the participants for reacting to the questionnaire. A researcher will select 45 participants from Austar Telecommunication Company. These participants will be selected from the different region of Australia. Besides this, the non-probability sampling method is not considered by the researcher because it can create the biases in the research. The non-probability sampling method will enable the researcher to select the participants on behalf of skills, age, experience, and knowledge. The participants are free to share their opinion regarding the research issues (Scott, 2015).
The data analysis method is an effective way to assess collected data of research. There are two kinds of a method such as qualitative and quantitative data collection method analysis. For this research, a researcher will use the descriptive statistical analysis method to evaluate the collected data systematically. A researcher will use MS-Excel and obtain the reliable result. A researcher will include the bar diagram, column, and chart to examine the collected data. For this research, the researcher will not apply the SPSS method to assess the collected data (Fuchs, 2017).
Research limitation can directly influence the outcome of research. Moreover, the researcher will consider many factors that can influence the research outcome. The specified time for accomplishing any research can be a negative impact on the research result. The primary data collection method can take more time period, which can impact on the research.
To eliminating the research issues, a research will use e-mail method. The direct communication can increase the chances of research success (Junco, 2014).
Ethical consideration stain can be effective for the researcher due to obtaining the favorable result in the context of research dilemma. For this, research will execute the ethical norms of the research, which will support the researcher to improve the quality of research. The researcher will be considered certain factors such as proper referencing, university instruction, data manipulation, and proper referencing. Since, it can help to eliminate the ethical issues from the research. A researcher will maintain the private data of researcher to make an effective relationship with the participants in long-term (Munar and Jacobsen, 2014).
From the above research plan table, it is accessed that the primary and secondary data collection method takes more time than the other activity.
On behalf of the above discussion, it can be concluded that the proper identification of the research tool can help the researcher to get a reliable result in the less time and cost. It can also be concluded that the research methodology is a combination of different methods such as data collection methods, research philosophies, strategies, and approaches. These methods are supportive to collect the reliable result in the context of advantages and disadvantages of social media practices in the business. Finally, it can also be concluded that the knowledge about research limitation can support to obtain the favorable result in less time and cost. It can also be summarized that the understanding towards the ethical issues can influence the research outcome.
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Inversini, A., and Masiero, L. (2014) ‘Selling rooms online: the use of social media and online travel agents,’ International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(2), 272-292.
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Luo, N., Zhang, M., and Liu, W. (2015) ‘The effects of value co-creation practices on building harmonious brand community and achieving brand loyalty on social media in China’, Computers in Human Behavior, 48, pp. 492-499.
Marwick, A. E., and Boyd, D. (2014) ‘Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media’, New Media and Society, 16(7), pp. 1051-1067.
Munar, A. M., and Jacobsen, J. K. S. (2014) ‘Motivations for sharing tourism experiences through social media’, Tourism management, 43, pp. 46-54.
Paton, D., and Johnston, D. (2017) Disaster resilience: an integrated approach. USA: Charles C Thomas Publisher.
Poell, T. (2014) ‘Social media and the transformation of activist communication: exploring the social media ecology of the 2010 Toronto G20 protests’, Information, Communication and Society, 17(6), pp. 716-731.
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Tsimonis, G., and Dimitriadis, S. (2014) ‘Brand strategies in social media’, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 32(3), pp. 328-344.
Ventola, C. L. (2014) ‘Social media and health care professionals: benefits, risks, and best practices,’ Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 39(7), P. 491.
Wamba, S. F., and Carter, L. (2016) ‘Social media tools adoption and use by SMEs: An empirical study’, In Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 791-806). USA: IGI Global.
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