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COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design

Published : 05-Oct,2021  |  Views : 10


You are to complete the following tasks using the same case study provided to you (also used for assignment 1) on Moodle

  1. Find out all Critical Use Cases
  2. Draw a Context Level diagram.
  3. Draw a Level 0 data flow diagram depicting all the business process description provided.
  4. Draw an ERD showing all required entities and its relationships.
  5. Draw a CRUD table.
  6. Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study.
  7. Details of individual group members contribution towards the development of the project.


The software designing process is known for designing the system through the use of UML notations, ERD, Prototyping and other procedures. The use case are used for catching the user interaction with the system, the context and data flow diagram is used for identifying the internal functions of the system. The ERD visualizes the database entities and relation among those entities. The use of the prototypes are done for getting an idea regarding the interface of the system.

The study is based on the information system designing for All Sports business. Within the study, the use case diagram, context diagram, ERD, Data flow diagram level 0 and protytoes of the website has been provided. Description of the diagrams has been given so that proper understating of the designs can be developed.

The use case diagram visualizes that the system will be accessed by five kinds of users such as club president, members, editor, outsider business and staff of organization. All of these members will be accessing the system through various access priority and authorization settings. The report can only be accessed by the Club President. The club president will also select the members who can submit the articles. The article use case is connected to editor and member actors. The articles will be submitted by members and the editors will select the articles that will be selected for newsletter. The advertiser will submit advertisement in the newsletter. The ‘include’ connection illustrates that the newsletter must be created through the article and advertisement use case.

The context diagram shows the normal data flow in the system with the users. The external entities are members, club president, staff and editor. The members will provide their information to register into the database. Another data the members provide to the system is articles. These data is provided as a file format. The system sends the mail containing the newsletter to the members. The club president receives the reports from the database. The editors as well have to register into the database. The editors provide the names of the articles selected. The system sends the articles to the editors.

The context diagram has been a great source of identifying the basic data flows in the system. The external entities are accurately visualized into the context diagram.

The level 0 data flow diagram is the modified version of context level diagram. Six processes has been visualized into the flow diagram along with seven data stores. The registration process is the first process in the system. The members then provides the articles to the system. A new record is created into the article data store regarding each article. The editors then login to the system which has been shown in the 2.1 process data flow as editor id and password flow. Then the process retrieves the articles from the D3 data store. ‘2.1’ and ‘2.2’ shows the article selection process. All the ids selected articles and advertisements are then sent to the 4.0 or newsletter creation process, which is associated with D5, D6 and D7 database.

The ERD or entity relationship diagram shows the database of the through a design perspective. The database sample includes all the attributes, primary key, foreign key and relationship among the entities. The member and sport entity is connected through one to many relationship. This implies that the one member can select many sports. It also shows that each member must select one sport but not each sport must be selected by the user. This illustrates that few or single sport may remain unselected.

The CRUD diagram shows the connection between the database entities and business processes. Taken as an example, the member registration will result into creating a new record and reading data from the member entity. It will also update the Sport entity.This prototype shows the page through which the user will login to the page. It is assumed the All Sports will have a personal main for staff and club president. They can select to which part they want to login.

Team Member One:


Analysis for Critical Use Case

Draw Critical Use Case

Analysis for Context Diagram

Draw Context Diagram

Analysis for Level 0 Diagram

Analysis for CRUD Table

Draw CRUD table


Make Report

 Team Member Two: 


Gathering ideas regarding the system

Identifying the needs of the system

Making the report structure

Testing the deigns

Make modifications to the diagrams

Creating the prototypes


From the above study it can be concluded that the system of All Sports will be developed based on the basic functional and non-functional requirements of newsletter publication process. The use case has provide a proper understating of the UX design of the system. The database of the system is simple and thus failing at post implementation is very low. The issue of redundancy in the database will be absent. The proposed system in the study will be able to handle the business processes of All Sports properly and efficiently.


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Kumar, K. and Azad, S.K., 2017. Relational Database Normalization under Tabular Approach: A Design Methodology. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8(5).

Ryberg, M., Vieira, M.D., Zgola, M., Bare, J. and Rosenbaum, R.K., 2014. Updated US and Canadian normalization factors for TRACI 2.1. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 16(2), pp.329-339.

Zhu, X., Lei, Z., Yan, J., Yi, D. and Li, S.Z., 2015. High-fidelity pose and expression normalization for face recognition in the wild. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 787-796).

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