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BUMGT2614 Project Management

Published : 10-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


Provides the basis for scheduling labour and equipment. Enhances communication among project participants. Provides an estimate of the project’s duration. Provides a basis for budgeting cash flow. Highlights activities that are ‘critical’ and cannot be delayed. Highlights activities that can be compressed to meet a deadline. Help managers get and stay on plan. Describe how to use several techniques for shortening project schedules. 


The process which helps an individual in developing a proper set of understanding with the aspects of handling things in a better way and processing the work in a systematic manner is known as project management. Project management is one of the most crucial tasks for an individual to be handled. It requires proper planning, bifurcation of every single activity, distribution of work in an equal form, processing the work within the deadlines, setting appropriate set of deadlines, finding most appropriate path to complete the work and implementing some of the other new and innovative ideas so as to complete the work within the deadlines (Kumaraswamy, et. al., 2017). Hence, the purpose due to which this report is developed that this report will include information related to a construction project. Information related to the project management activities applied in the construction project will be provided and a trail will be made that proper and appropriate set of direction could be provided with the help of the project could get completed within the deadlines.

Project for a construction site of a tower is initiated which will help in providing an effective set of services to the people. The construction of the tower which will provide free Wi-Fi to the people available in the range of 100 meters will be completed within one month. Project scheduling was done one month before so as to ensure that the work could get completed within the deadlines. Activities provided in the report are starting from July as they are related to the planning phase of the project (Cengage Lea Schwalbe, 2015). The report will help in managing the construction project within the budget and deadline decided by the project management team.

Project Stakeholders

Stakeholders play a very vital role in managing a project as they provide sufficient amount of support at every stage of the project. There are various numbers of stakeholders who are attached to the project these stakeholders are the owner of the project, employees working on the construction site, project management team, IT team, Government, customers and financial institutions (Desmond, 2017).

Project Objectives

The objective of this project is to evaluate every single aspect related to project management tactics. It is necessary that an individual should have proper knowledge related to project management and should have the capability to think critically and evaluate every single aspect related to the project. The objective of this report is to develop a proper set of framework for a construction project so that the same could get completed within the time and budget decided. This report will provide a full proof plan for the construction project and will work as a helping hand for the same (Kaczmarska, & Gierulski, 2015).

Project Deliverables

A project cannot be completed of a proper set of deliverables will not be included in the same. It is necessary that all the project deliverables should be included properly in the project so that scheduling could be done in an appropriate way. Recognizing all the project deliverables and estimating a proper set of time for the same will help project management team in completing it within the required deadlines. In the same manner, there are a certain set of project deliverables which are included in the construction project of the tower (Larson, & Gray, 2016). The deliverables identified are:

Project Initiation will be done at the initial stage of the project

Construction process will be undertaken at the next stage by the project manager

Under construction, site-work, footings, floor slap, framing and mechanical electrical which will be taken into consideration? These are the aspects which will help in providing quality to the project initiated by the project manager.

Then startup mobilization, procurement, administration planning will be done

Project will be started

Footings will include excavate footings, reinforce footings and place footings

Place Footings will include building, shop and play area (Ajilchi, & Kargar, 2015)

Following the plan as well as budget developed for the completion of the project

Closing the project, checking every single activity with the help of checklist, testing the technical aspects related to the construction project

Terminating the project


Developing milestones for the project helps the project management team in deciding the work which is required to be processed. It helps in gaining information related to the work which is required to be started on which date and when the same should get completed. Project milestones hold the start date and the end date following which helps the project management team in managing all the activities in a proper way. Milestones provided to every single activity will help in the completion of the project within the required dates and will provide a solution to every single activity (Dennis, et. al., 2015). Hence, it could be said that developing a project milestone will provide an effective set of solution to the project management team and will show them the path following which will help them in completing the project within the required deadlines.

Technical Requirement

Constructing a tower which will provide Wi-Fi facilities to the people available in the locality require that all the technical aspects should be focused upon. It is necessary that proper set of system and a control room should be attached to the tower so that satellite connection could be maintained and services could be provided without any interruption (Desmond, 2017).

Limits and Exclusion

Limits attached with the project plan are it could be possible that the estimations could go wrong as they are based on the prediction.

It could also be possible that the requirement of the market could get changed which will have a huge impact on the progress of the project (Frame, 2014).

Customer Review

The customers available in the market require a Wi-Fi tower which could help them in managing their internet connection. The construction process will be in the area which will not affect the customers. On the basis of the reviews of the customers, only the project is initiated which will help in managing their life easy and simple.

Work Breakdown Structure

The work breakdown structure provided will help in managing all the project tasks in a proper way. In the above image every single activity related with the construction work could be seen (Hoyle, 2013). In the above structure bifurcation of every single activity could be seen that the construction work will be started with which there are various tasks which will be performed by the team, these tasks are start-up mobilization, procurement, administration and start-up testing.

Under construction work there are various aspects which will be taken into consideration these work are site work, footing, floor slab work, the framing of the tower, managing the roof system of the control room, finishes required to be given to the construction work, and mechanical-electrical work required to be done in a tower. There are various activities which will be performed in footing these activities are the excavation of the footing, reinforce footings and place footing (Kaczmarska, & Gierulski, 2015). Under place footings, there are several activities which will be performed these are building, shop and play area. This is the work breakdown structure developed for the tower work. This will help the project management team in managing every single activity and completing the same in an effective way.

The above image is showing every single activity which will be performed so as to manage the project. The Gantt chart of the construction project is based on the plans which are developed in relation to the actual project (Larson, & Gray, 2016). This type of activity helps the project management team in completing every single task within the due dates. It is necessary that all the team members should start the project work on the date allotted to them and should try to complete the same within the due dates so that assurance could be made that the project will be completed within the time period required. In case if at any point project team fails to meet the project requirements and fails to complete the task by the required date then it is required that the team should immediately escalate the issues to the project manager.

Communication is one of the most important aspects in all the cases. Communicating the issue at a right time could help in providing better solutions and will help in processing the further project work in a smooth and subtle way (Maylor, 2012). Hence, it is necessary that the team members working on the construction project should follow the Gantt and work accordingly so that work could get completed within the required time.

Critical path method is the method used for the project manager so as to gather the information related to the most effective path which could help in completing the project requirements within the required time (Kumaraswamy, et. al., 2017). Critical path method is used so that information related to the earliest completion time and latest completion time could be gathered by the project management. From the starting point to the end point activities are being bifurcated and project requirements are being undertaken. Time taken by every single activity is critically being recorded and various paths of completing the same activity within the earliest time are evaluated (Cengage Lea Schwalbe, 2015). This helps the project management team in evaluating the earliest completion time and latest completion with the help of which estimation is being done that what are the dependencies and what is the lag time which will occur in the project.

With the help of the critical path analysis of the current construction project activities including task 5, task 2, task 8 and task 7 is showing the critical path of the project (Ajilchi, & Kargar, 2015). The lag time which is estimated with the help of the critical path analysis for the whole project is 19 days.


The budget of the project is one of the most important aspects attached to any project. Developing a proper project plan and estimating the expenses which will incur in the project helps the project management team in managing the work according to the estimates provided to them. A budget should include all the expenses which will incur in the project with the effect of which a proper estimation could be made and a framework for the project could be developed (Dennis, et. al., 2015).



Resources and Equipment (Including IT)


Project Management Team


Construction Work


Labor Expenses


Misc. Expenses




(Desmond, 2017)

The above table is showing the expenses which will incur in the project. It could be evaluated that the project will take the investment of almost $50000. Hence, the decision could be made that the owner of the project should spend $50000 so that the construction work could get completed (Frame, 2014). This budget will also help the project management team in understanding that how to work and what are the expenses required to be made on which aspect. Developing such type of budget for the project which includes the summary of all the expenses which could incur in near future while working on the project provides the direction to every single stakeholder attached with the project. It also helps them in making an appropriate set of the decision so as to process the work in a smooth and subtle way (Gido, et. al., 2012).  

Risk management helps the project management team in managing the project vulnerabilities and provides an assurance that the project will get completed in a smooth way. Project risk management is the aspect which requires that proper set of forecasting should be done which could occur in near future (Hoyle, 2013). An appropriate set of decisions will be made by applying the risk management practices at the workplace and will help the project management team in completing the project in a smooth way.

Risk Management Plan



Identifying the Risk


Categorizing the risk


Evaluating the risk probability and assessing its impact on the project


Risk Prioritization


Planning the responses for each risk


Development of the risk management strategies


Monitoring the Risk Factors


Risk Controlling


Risk Assumptions with its significant impact


Understanding the roles and responsibilities

(Kaczmarska, & Gierulski, 2015)

The risk management plan developed will help in providing the direction to the project team of how the risk aspects should be estimated and what are the factors required to be taken into consideration while evaluating the risk and after evaluation of the same. Monitoring and controlling are the two important factors required to be focused upon by the project management team so that they can attain success in managing the risk factors and could ensure that the sustainability could be obtained. The risk management plan developed will provide a direction for managing and controlling the risk factors which could affect the construction work and all the vulnerabilities related to the project will be removed (Kerzner, 2013).

Risk Identification

This is the section of the project which will include all the risk factors attached to the project. Identification of the risk factors is an important task as it helps the project management teams in developing an appropriate set of strategy with the effect of which all the risk factors could get removed and the project could get processed in a smooth way (Kite, 2009). Therefore, various risk factors identified are:

  • Risk related to project scheduling
  • Risk related to the budget of the project
  • Risk related to the operations
  • Risk related to the technical aspects
  • Risk related to the programming of the technical aspects related to the project

Risk Analysis Matrix




Composite Risk Score

Response Type

Risk related to project scheduling


Very Likely



Risk related to the budget of the project





Risk related to the operations


Not Likely



Risk related to the technical aspects


Not Likely



Risk related to the programming of the technical aspects related to the project





Material Scarcity





Availability of Skilled Labor





Construction project Blueprint Issues


Not Likely



Budget Issues





(Larson, & Gray, 2016)

The risk matrix developed will help the project management team in making a proper decision related to the type of response required to be taken while working on the project. It is necessary that the right decisions should be taken at the right time by the project management team so as to ensure that the risk which could affect the project could be removed within the timeframe required (Maylor, 2012).

All the activities related to the project will be focused upon by the project management team. The project management team working on the project will ensure that appropriate set of services could be provided to all the stakeholders attached to the project. Managing all the operations related to the project in an appropriate way and processing every single activity within the required times will help the project management team in completing the work within the required framework (Mosavi, 2014).

Project Roles and Responsibility

The project will be processed with the help of the teamwork. Teamwork will be focused upon by the project manager so as to complete the project this will help in bringing quality to the project.

Assurance will be made that the team indulged in the project progress will respect the culture, religion, and values of the team members attached to the project and ensure that the construction project will not harm the society (Kumaraswamy, et. al., 2017).

The project manager will ensure that proper set of feedback should be taken by the team members and their issues could get resolved within the required deadlines.

Change Management

To manage the change vision and mission of the project will be defined in a proper way than leadership engagement will be focused upon by the project team. After leadership engagement communication is another aspect which will be focused upon and assurance will be made that all the things related to the change should be communicated in a well in advance form. Organisation alignment is another aspect which will be focused upon to manage all the changes. Training and support is another aspect which will be focused upon and all the programs related to training and development will be scheduled in a proper way. These are the aspects which will help in managing change in the project (Pigott, & Hobbs, 2011).

Management Support

Management support will be provided for monitoring and controlling the project, all the aspects related shown in the management of the project will be considered. To ensure that all the project activities related to the project could get completed within the required deadlines and in a proper way, a project checklist will be developed. Checklist of the project will help in providing a set direction and will help in managing the project requirements in an appropriate way (Cengage Lea Schwalbe, 2015).

Status Report

A template for the project status report is prepared which will help in keeping a track record on every single activity of the project. The form is required to be filled each day by the project management team so as to evaluate the progress of the report.

Meeting Report




Delivery Date



Communicating project deliverables with team

Physical Meetings




Communication with Executive sponsors

PowerPoint Presentation




Communication with other sponsors





Circular related to Task Information

Letter/ Circular




Declaration of Roles and Responsibility of each team member

Physical Meetings


One Time


Sharing New Information related with Project

Physical Meetings


According to the requirement


Notification of the Merit Performance





Providing Individual Assistance

Physical Meetings




Letter formulation and distribution





Feedbacks of Team Members

Physical Meetings




Issue Solving

Physical Meetings




In the end, it could be concluded that every single aspect related to the project should be taken properly into consideration. It is necessary that an appropriate set of project plan should be developed by the project manager so that the same could get completed within the required deadlines. It is necessary that a project management team should develop a proper budget, and project schedule should be developed so that the same could get completed within the developed framework and quality could be brought to the project on which the project management team is working.


Ajilchi, B. and Kargar, F.R., (2015). Prediction of job stress among employees through the dimensions of time management skills by managers. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 8(34), 1.

Cengage Lea Schwalbe, K., (2015). Information technology project management. Cengage Learning.

Dennis, A., Wixom, B., Tegarden, D. and Seeman, E. (2015). System analysis & design. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Desmond, C. (2017). Project management tools-integration with other tools of the organization. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 45(1), 19-20.

Frame, J. (2014). Project Management Tools and Techniques: A Practical Guide. Project Management Journal, 45(4), 4.

Gido, J., 1945, & Clements, J. P. (2012). Successful project management (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Hoyle, P. (2013). Characteristics Influencing Project Management Office (PMO) Structure Adoption in the Supply Chain and Logistics Industry: A Quantitative Study of Self-Report Surveys and PMBOK Factors. SSRN Electronic Journal, .4-7.

Kaczmarska, B. and Gierulski, W. (2015). Innovation Map in the Process of Enterprise Evaluation. Key Engineering Materials, 669, 497-513.

Kerzner, H. (2013). Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Kite, A. (2009). The Fact-Finding Process Review Model: Remedying Fact-Based Constitutional Challenges on Federal Habeas Corpus Review. Thomas Jefferson Law Review, 31(2), 351-392

Kumaraswamy, M., Mahesh, G., Mahalingam, A., Loganathan, S., & Kalidindi, S. (2017). Developing a clients’ charter and construction project KPIs to direct and drive industry improvements. Built Environment Project And Asset Management, 7(3), 253-270.

Larson, E. W., & Gray, C. F. (2016). Project management: The managerial process. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Maylor, H. (2012). Beyond the Gantt chart:European Management Journal, 19(1), 92-100.

Mosavi, A. (2014). Exploring the roles of portfolio steering committees in project portfolio governance. International Journal Of Project Management, 32(3), 388-399.

Pigott, D. and Hobbs, V. (2011). Complex knowledge modelling with functional entity relationship diagrams. VINE, 41(2), 192-211.

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