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BSBWRK510 Manage Employee Relations

Published : 10-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


  • Analyse strategic plans and operational plans to determine long term employee relations
  • Analyse existing employee relations performance in relation to workforce objectives
  • Evaluate options in terms of cost-benefit, risk-analysis and current legislative requirements
  • Work with the management team to develop industrial relations policies and plans
  • Identify the skills and knowledge needed by management and the workforce to effectively implement these strategies and policies
  • Develop an implementation plan and a contingency plan for the employee relations policies and strategies
  • Make arrangements for training and development for identified needs to support the employee relations plan
  • Undertake associated employee relations activities to reach agreement on changes required by the organisational policies or implementation plan
  • Ensure procedures for addressing grievances and conflict are properly documented
  • Communicate key issues about procedures for addressing grievances and conflict to stakeholders
  • Review employee relations policies and plans to establish whether they are meeting their intended outcomes.


Workplace relations act 1996- It is the main legislation under the Australian Industrial Commission (AIRC). The law is set by the Australian parliament in accordance to the Australian legislation. The main principle of the law is to provide the framework for the cooperative workplaces that will promote the economic prosperity as well as the welfare of the people. It also establishes and maintains national systems of the workplace and also provides the economical sustainability safety net of minimum wages which is in the orientation of the Australian Legislation that also emphasizes in provision and protection of human rights of the employees.

Workplace Relations regulations 2006- This law was set by the Australian government which is essential for regulating the workplace relations regulations. It ensures the regulation of the laws in the field of shop trading hours, long service leaves and in the public holidays

AIRC rules- The rules of AIRC outline the procedures as well as practices in the work of the AIRC. These laws are issued are by the AIRC president in the Australia. The laws involve the workplace related systems, developments as well as initiatives in the workplaces, monitors and advice on the workplace and works for the betterment of the employees(Alfes, et al., 2013).

List below three (3) relevant industrial legislation in federal, state and territory jurisdictions

Common wealth of Australia constitution 1900

United Nations trust territory of Nauru

New South Wales Act 1823

Summarise the functions of the below key Australian industrial relations system.

Courts and Tribunals: The courts and tribunals of the Australia are responsible for providing the administration of civil, family courts and tribunals, as well as in case of criminals. There are plenty number of cases and appeals which are heard in the tribunals. The process and regulations of the tribunals are different. The processes are quite informal as compared to the courts. Many times hearings took place in the rooms instead of courts. The role of the court is to settle in accordance with the legal disputes that are submitted as well as with the international law procedure(Alfes, et al., 2013).

Trade Unions: Similar to: trade unions are quite similar to the Guilds that enforce the quality standards in to the industry or trades, helps in protecting the members from exploitation, provides them support in the financial matters as well as serve as a mediator for their employees. A trade union somehow does the same and put the interest for negotiating better working surroundings with fair wages.

Employer Bodies: The employer bodies are the collection of the manufacturers, retailers as well as combination of some other employers of wage labour. The employers seek to coordinate with each other in terms of behaviour.

Summarise the enterprise and workplace bargaining processes

The enterprise bargaining process is the working condition as well as the wage that is being negotiated at each level of the individual in the workplace, mainly in the Australia. Once the establishment is done, then the binding on the employees and employers are legally fixed. The process consists of the collective industrial agreement in between the employer and the trade union those who are acting on the behalf of the employees or the employers are acting for themselves(Anderson, 2013). The collective agreements contain the principles of the flexibility, flow rates of the pay in the hour basis, performance rate and much more.

Describe in detail how you would train individuals in conflict- management techniques and procedures

Six steps are necessary to follow to resolve the conflict:

  1. Clarify in details for what the disagreement is all about.
  2. Try to establish a common decision in order to achieve the goal which is better for both the parties.
  3. Discuss the possible ways to meet the common requirements.
  4. Always determine the barriers for the common target.
  5. Agree on the best decision made by the both.
  6. Acknowledge each other’s decisions and finally combines the two solutions into one frame.

After analysing the Strategic and operational plans determine and the long term employee relations required. Write up below a plan which will assist with the company’s objectives.  

Initially the employees need to understand about the team in which they are working. The coordination as well as the mentality needs to be matched or else one need to have more patience in hearing the opinions of others, otherwise the situation may lead to conflict.  Setting the goals with specific objectives is also required which will help the team to reach the target as well as helps to address issues easily(Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). Creating individual plans will help to gather more number of ideas which will be ended to a perfect solution. Track the results as well as motivate the stakeholders for meeting up the requirements. Use the ideas of the experts.

Summarise the existing employee relations performance in relation to workforce objectives.

The employee’s relation is one of the important aspects in every organization. The performance of the firm is judged based on the relationship between employees as they are responsible for enhancing the productivity of the firm in a mutual manner. The coordination as well as the understanding is necessary in between the employees and employers so that the target of the firm can be achieved in the stipulated time.

On reflection of these ideas, list below the possible cost- benefits, risk -analysis and current legislation requirements.


Cost - benefit

Risk - analysis

Legislation requirements

Source stainless-steel from an overseas supplier

Better quality of products which will increase the revenue.




Acceptance of the products, profit scale may get hampered.

The laws should be fair in the import and export.

Move manufacturing off shore

Profits will be more as the products are sold outside the country.




Quality of the product may be reduced; additional charges may lead to less productivity.

Regulations of the laws should be checked between the two places, mainly the tax and revenues.

Cut staffing numbers

Less staffs will bring more productivity.




Staffs may demand extra money for more work, if paid less, and then productivity standard may be affected.

Employee’s maintenance and well fare should be checked, fair payment should be there and emotions should be cared.  

Increase productivity

Increase in quality and standards of the products will enhance the scale of productive.




The competitors will increase in the market, which will put number of challenges in front of the manufacturer.

Revenue should be checked, tax should be fair, risk analysis should be managed properly and employees related laws should be maintained.

According to the industrial relations policies of the WHS, the policy statement defines the responsibilities of the employees, equality in the employment, helps in the selection and recruitment of the employees and much more.

According to the PD policy and performance management, the policy statement describes about the responsibilities of the employees regarding their performance management as well as about the development in the professionals sections(Aswathappa, 2013).

According to the grievance and procedure policy, the policy statement describes about the responsibilities of the employees in using the resources as well as address grievance process in resolving the conflicts with the stakeholders.

Describe the skills and knowledge needed by management and the workforce to effectively implement these strategies and policies.  

  1. Smart knowledge
  2. Presence of mind
  3. Sense of responsibilities
  4. Coordination
  5. Experience
  6. Team managing skills

Gather more number of employees, tell them about the rules and regulations of the organization, provides them the basic tools to utilize the resource properly initially, acknowledge the opinion of each employee during the conversation, feedbacks are appreciated, coordination is required and tell them about the domains of other employees.

The other members will be trained properly in that period in order to manage the time, the work of that person will be divided among the team mates in an equal manner so that workload will not be more, some changes will be done on the policy without affecting the emotions of others, employees will be motivated to work extra time for which they will paid more and coordination will managed in an effective manner(Beardwell& Thompson, 2014).

  1. New teams will be formed.
  2. Extra money will be paid to the employees.
  3. According to skills, team will work following the rules and regulations of the policy.

Check documentation and other information sources to clarify the issue in dispute. List below the documentation and other sources of information you accessed.

  1. Experience data sheet
  2. Skills and knowledge test
  3. Time period of working years

In the event you were coming to obtain expert specialist advice to assist in this matter with Chris Davis, what would you do and how would you do that?

  1. Take the suggestion for getting the things done properly without anger.
  2. Show them your talent.
  3. Show the relevant work sheets

Determine what the desired negotiation outcomes, strategy and timeframes would be?

Desired Area

Your desired successful negotiation


He can be the lead of team for giving the training. His experience in the work will enhance the skills and knowledge of others.


The team will become more effective in managing the work properly which will increase the productivity of the firm.


6 months

Describe how you would advocate the company’s position in negotiation to obtain agreement.

  1. Work sheets will be checked properly.
  2. Related policies will be checked.

Develop a documented grievance outcome included necessary certification and agreed outcomes which will be signed off by all stakeholders including the AMWU representative.  

  1. Reason of the grievance will change.
  2. Time will be extended
  3. Values to the opportunities will be provided.
  4. Conflict resolution methods will be given.
  5. Licence will be checked based on the regulatory actions.

Briefly describe how you would implement the outcome/ agreement you developed in question 5.

Chris will not make the same grievance as he got the chance from the company to complete his degree in order to become the future manager of the organization. Fair opportunity was given to him as he was the most experienced employee of the company, but not in the management field. New manager was assigned to help him during the course so the purpose of the grievance will also differ(Aswathappa, 2013).

  1. Salaries will be deducted from his earnings.
  2. Compensation will be paid.
  3. He will not get the chance of being the manager as he has not completed his course.


Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. The link between perceived human resource management practices, engagement and employee behaviour: a moderated mediation model. The international journal of human resource management, 24(2), pp.330-351.

Anderson, V., 2013. Research methods in human resource management: investigating a business issue. Kogan Page Publishers.

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice.Kogan Page Publishers.

Aswathappa, K., 2013. Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

Beardwell, J. and Thompson, A., 2014. Human resource management: a contemporary approach. Pearson Education.

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