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BSBLED501 Develop a Workplace Learning Environment

Published : 03-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


Identify potential formal and informal learning opportunities Identify learning needs of individuals in relation to the needs of the team and/or enterprise and available learning opportunities Develop and implement learning plans as an integral part of individual and team performance plans Develop strategies to ensure that learning plans reflect the diversity of needs.Ensure organisational procedures maximise individual and team access to, and participation in, learning opportunities Ensure effective liaison occurs with training and development specialists and contributes to learning opportunities which enhance individual, team and organisational performance.


The personal learning experience happened when during a project assignment in my university I was being assigned a project with some of the team members whom I hardly knew. Although I wanted to do such project with my close friends but I was left with no other option.  I accepted that as a challenge and it was difficult for me because I did not know about the backgrounds and was not comfortable with everybody. However when all of us work together I learnt that team is further successful when the members in it are capable of making synergy (Aswathappa, 2012). As the aims, objectives and tasks were more than of an individual, it was important to have to go back.

I also learnt that team members must be aware of how they can be booked for that effective together then the synergies created and when can achieve success. This way I was able to understand the significance of teamwork. I now believe that each member of the team is very much significant because everybody has unique capabilities, knowledge and experience. The team members fetch energy, motivation, passion and accomplishment of the tasks (Karlsen and Gottschalk, 2011). Although the extent of these things varies from one member to another but each team member is important. It was not difficult to learn because along with my team members I was capable of approaching each of the problems with the confidence because I had learnt that our collective capabilities can deal with any issue that comes up.Development plan of company needed along with goals (Herroelen and Leus, 2011)

Learning styles inventory

I have got mostly A’s so I believe that I have got a visual learning style which means that I learn by seeing and looking. Therefore, prior to beginning a task, lay down an aim and write it down. I try to post it in front of me and read it as I do my task.

  1. I have participated in a training program related with communication which was named as "improvement in workplace communication ". It was important for increasing the productivity and making the workplace relationships to be better.  It allowed me to learn that there are different communication methods to be used in the workplace and the choice of those communication methods have to be done appropriately for example it is always not the best way to converse with somebody via email (Kirk, 2009). 
  2. The common problem which I faced was of difference of opinion with people and people generally feared using informal ways of communication and generally wanted to document everything there for most of the individuals in an organization depend on emailing.  Formal email for each and everything would act as a barrier in making great relationships (Korman, 2014).  Communication is much greater then exchange of just the business words and it includes sentiments, intentions of people who are communicating. 
  3. The company which I am aware of is Barclays which assists the staff in building actual momentum and offers a learning and development program so that people can build up their own network. People get opportunity to get connected with other talented Colleagues all over the globe. There are different training opportunities offered to the employees. Therefore, it is supportive towards growth and development of its employees ("Your Learning and Devleopment | Barclays Early Careers and Graduates", 2017).

The highly significant of the workplace environment factors that either brings about engagement or disconnection are given in image below:

brings about engagement or disconnectionThe barriers that could have been there to my learning and to applying this knowledge in the workplace had been Limited resources – learning is not provided with sufficient financial support and backing. The employees, who had already been working in the conventional system, did not want to use other communication ways for interacting. For them, it was important to document all communication and so even the informal communication took a course of emails. Other barrier might be incompetence of skills. The inapt way of communication just states that the message is not being conveyed rightly. Like, if the exhaustive instructions are shared via telephone it would be a complete waste for both the communicator and a receiver (Scavino, 2013).

Sending any message by an incorrect method makes problem for the receiver since it would be annoying as well lengthy. So as to overcome this barrier, it is important that the employees get rightly trained on the appropriate usage and suitability of the modes of communication to be used. Seminars, trainings and lectures can help the staffs to get information in preferred area, what technique to choose and what way to use. Meetings can also be useful in facilitation in investigative and strategic planning. These can also help in decision making and performing in a team

The managers do not have to be mentors nor do they need to be skilled in the understanding and proficiencies required by their team members. Though, they need to trust that people can learn and transform, they should care regarding their own learning, and they must value the progress of the individuals they manage. In case they have this viewpoint and morals, in that case managers can have a say in learning inside their firms.

In actual fact, I should work with learners to lay down objectives, explain prospects, offer opportunities for appliance, and hold them responsible for have an impact (Book, et al 2007). I can also take help of Training professionals for getting the trainings delivered.

  • the prospect to become acquainted with and meet new individuals who are employed within the same trade
  • Learn about the work environments of other state and get to know about their experiences
  • In case the company sends anyone to an interstate conference and they learn and network and generate content, then it’s beneficial. However, to actually make it useful, they've must fetch it back and explain it to all the peers who didn't make it to the conference, however could gain from the high-quality material.

I had been assigned a role of keeping track of daily sales of the team and for this I had to keep record of each member in the team with their number of daily sales. I had to create a graph of trends of sales for each member- on a weekly basis. This way, a comparison among different weeks’ performance could be made and performance assessment would become easier (Peters, 2013). For this I needed analytical skills, knowledge of computing the graphs and presentation skills (Foster, 2013). I needed self assessment to help in evaluating the performance and to assess own performance in the specific period. This makes me capable of discussing my roles and responsibilities with my supervisor.

The management thought that both the reviews were almost similar. Although peer assessment was not restricted to the multiple choice questions or there was any limitation of words (ZHU Su-li, 2008). They were free to use different assessments so that they could express themselves. P and assessment is important because generally peers know each other well and this kind of assessment helps in determination of each other's strengths and weaknesses, thus making it easier to work together. It is important to assess oneself for discovering the approaches of overcoming the obstacles and dealing with deficiencies so that best can be achieved

There are number of reasons why individuals in any business don't share their knowledge. S few of the reasons have entrenched to the executive culture and a few are rooted in individual beliefs and views. A lot of times, people don't know the significance of their own awareness and thus they are not happy to share it. Peer to peer rivalry is an additional cause due to which knowledge sharing is not supported. 

Interpersonal networks make leaders to be extra efficient and proficient. Managing and leading in modern businesses is becoming further complex. New goods are approaching to market quicker, partnerships amongst firms in diverse industries are rising, worldwide development has formed vast MNCs, and trends in the direction of matrix managing and cross-functional teams are rising. This entire thing makes communication further significant, and business employees’—particularly ‘the leaders’—interpersonal networks are very important to success of the business. Technology-based communications systems will just be helpful to a level; eventually it is vital to develop trusting relations amongst coworkers.

It will require the accompanying steps:

  • Understanding and utilizing individual style
  • Strategically focusing on the exercises
  • Analytically organizing the networking: significant associations don't simply take place—planning exercises, assessing encounters, and reckoning next moves prompt awesome associations.
  • Making connections with time
  • Engaging others adequately
  • Display of ability for a powerful network.
  • Assessing prospects  (Drucker, 2004)

It is important to recognize employee achievement so that other employees feel encouraged with the same (Subba, 2011). By observing people doing well, others can learn the skills and tactics to work effectively. The rewarded employees can encourage others so that others can follow for the betterment.

When I had made maximum sales for the day then I felt motivated by my supervisor announcing my name amongst the whole of staff and providing with certificate to be placed on my desk. The feedback was given by my supervisor, for high sales and that too in a professional way. Being motivated, I was able to assist the management in making an effective sales pitch that could be used by others too, for attaining better sales figure.

By evaluation of learning acts and entrepreneur can see what worked well, what did not and what can be changed in future.  Therefore it is the kind of a series of planning, delivering ended being. The evaluation helps in improvement of the learning practices and provides with constructive feedback for ensuring that learners can benefit from learning. For determination of the effectiveness of the learning activity, it has to be evaluated with respect to the objectives that had been laid during the planning phase. 

Since he lacks in the written communication skills therefore I can support him by having a review of his mails and providing him suggestions of a few of the phrases which can be effectively applied while business writing. This way he would be able to achieve the standards which are expected from his mails and letters.

I would be seeking the feedback for my skills of influencing others and my communication skills (Brightman, 2014). This feedback would be utilised for assessing my technical and influential abilities and for assessing the implications of the training. I can also use it for the changes (if required) in approach of training for the benefit of the trainees.

In case I had sent a few employees to get trained then I would look for the feedback with respect to the value addition provided by the session. I would like to know if it is useful or not and how others can also gain from the same session.

The activity in which I had been recently involved was of the training for MS excel and it's shortcuts. I had been actively involved in the event because I know many shortcuts that can be used for daily usage and thus I acted as a trainer in the training.  The feedback form used for training was:

It is important to get a verbal feedback during the session so that the train I can Isis whether the trainees are able to grasp the content or not. This way it can be seen, if the training has been useful and trainee has been capable of understanding and retaining what has been told to him during the learning activity. It is useful to assess real time effectiveness of learning activities.

The learning program had to be changed due to the feedback received as I got a feedback that the training session and discussions carry on for a long time which can make it little boring. So, I added some games to explain the concept and also kept time for two tea-breaks in between the session. This kept the employees active and involved throughout the sessions.

For the next month's training it is suggested that the training material is reviewed again. It is important because a majority of people couldn't use it for accomplishing their training needs. This training session seems to be quite one-sided because many people did not find it encouraging towards the active participation. People did not get a chance to clarify and they did not find themselves participating in the session. This course must be rated as an average course because it acted like a video or audio where individuals don't get opportunity to express rather they just listen and grasp everything.

It is recommended that it should be an interactive session and since it is related with the healthy shoes there for many examples can be used and the trainees must also be provided with an opportunity to share their views, experiences and also they can seek clarification on certain topics (Mamoria, 2014).

An organization must keep records to maintain documentation - which was trained, at what time they were trained, and what proficiencies they have attained.

Training records give certification for authoritarian agencies, information for staff assessments, and support for sponsorship or income rises. Training records can be utilized as a reason for objective setting or help in choosing staff assignments by coordinating capabilities with required abilities. They likewise are helpful for outlining and auditing individual advance toward yearly objectives.

Records are objective. They give the information expected to settle on choices in view of genuine execution after particular training. Records give a simple strategy to recognize training crevices that immediate future topic. As an update, this whole examination evaluates the requirements of the association and the information, aptitudes, states of mind, and capacities of the staff in connection to the occupations they perform

The training records need to be with the training department, managers (respective managers of individuals) and the individual. The training division can keep a track of trainings, the needs and the review the person on his capabilities. This will help in evaluation and making changes to the training material, if needed.  The supervisors cannot change but have access to view the training stuff for their team members, so that they can evaluate their team members. The individual can also use the same data to refresh the knowledge and to keep a track of own progress.

Training and development specialists assist in planning, leading, and controlling so that the staff members can be trained and their aptitudes and information can be improved. This should be possible by:

  • Evaluation of training needs by through surveying, interviewing staffs, or counsels with supervisors or trainers
  • Planning and making training handbooks, web based learning modules, and syllabus
  • reconsidering training materials from an assortment of sellers and pick suitable materials
  • Giving training to workers by various instructional procedures
  • Monitoring and assessing training projects to guarantee they are updated and successful
  • Choosing and allocating trainers or vendors to carry out training
  • Doing administrative tasks like monitoring expenses, making class schedules, setting up networks and kit, and managing the registrations

The training and development specialists can give outer perspectives that are not confined by business politics or feelings. They can give mastery that is not easily accessible in-house and can demonstrate an exhibited ability in the discovering that is needed.

Utmost involvement can be accomplished by guaranteeing that the workers influenced by the training are included in some way in the choice to give training (Dwivedi, 2012). This might be in the planning or development phase of the training or essentially having an abilities’ review on the individual or group to figure out what training is required and if the proposed training is straightforwardly identified with the necessities of the individual, group or association. However a few boundaries may should be defeated, for example, hesitance to transform or necessity of undertakings.

Managers have an imperative role in encouraging learning in working environment. They give chances to learning; include members by connecting with them in the learning procedure and effectively look to incorporate learning. A modern training and development program regularly incorporates roles for pioneers and administrators to instruct different pioneers and supervisors.

It is important to monitor the outcomes of learning activities to see what changes that set of activities has brought to the efficiency, and effectiveness of the employees (Armstrong, 2011). Any training has an aim and it is important to monitor and assess the outcomes to see if those aims have been achieved or not, or else there will be need for making changes to the training program.


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Armstrong, M. (2011). “A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice”, Kogan Page, 8th Editon.

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Your Learning and Devleopment | Barclays Early Careers and Graduates. (2017). Retrieved 15 July 2017, from

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