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BSBLDR501 Leadership and Management

Published : 22-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


  • Describe the social and emotional competence. Coaches and mentors, as well as individuals who are going through the same change process, can help sustain a person’s hope and motivation(40).
  • Social and emotionaltraining programs usually are more effective when they encourage the formation of groups where people give each other support throughout the change effort

In one program, “The participants reported that the conversations they had in their support groups about life style and priorities were the most important factors in helping them to make positive changes in their work and personal lives.”

  • valuation is essential for promoting effective training.
  • Research suggests that many training programs do not fulfill their promise(63).
  • Only through evaluation can poor programs be improved and effective ones retained.
  • By evaluation, we mean a process that focuses on continuous improvement rather than just a "pass-fail" test in which individuals associated with a program win or lose credibility.
  • When an evaluation suggests that a program falls short in achieving its goals, it should not be used to punish an individual or group.
  • Rather, it should be used as a guide for improving the training that is offered.
  • Evaluation should be linked to learning and the continual pursuit of quality.
  • One company evaluated its training programs


Phase one Section – preparation for change

1 Assess the organisation’s needs

· people in the organization will be skeptical about the link between emotional intelligence and the bottom line – convince them otherwise and there is more acceptance of emotional competence or intelligence training program

· identify all of the particular competencies that are important for success.  This would be for projects or the organisation as a whole

The needs of the organization can be assessed by undertaking training programs where extensive knowledge will be given to the employees with respect to the bottom line and emotional intelligence. For instance, the organization can initiate a quarterly training program that concentrates on providing knowledge with respect to the link between the bottom line and emotional intelligence that will increase competency among the employees.

2. Assess Personal Strengths and limits

· people usually are less aware of skill weaknesses in the social and emotional domains

· They may realize, for example, that the interpersonal aspects of leading a work group are difficult and frustrating

· difficult for people to pinpoint the emotional skills they need to improve on

· To assess the best approach usually involves ratings by those who interact with the person

· "Three-sixty feedback" now is used regularly in industry for a variety of purposes, and organizations vary in how well they use this tool.  Needs to be administered appropriately.

The personal limits and strengths are applicable within the organization with the controlling functions of the management where actions are undertaken to rectify the mistakes by making use of the Three sixty feedback that is essential in developing the working environment.

3 Provide Feedback with Care

· People are more likely to respond positively to feedback when they trust and respect the person who gives it. People also are more likely to be motivated to change when they believe that the feedback is constructive and accurate(14). and they are helped to identify the specific steps they can take to improve

· People also need sufficient time to think about the information and its implications. And in social and emotional development efforts, it is especially important that the feedback occur in an atmosphere of safety.

· The understood purpose of the feedback also affects its motivational and emotional impact. When, for instance, it is used for appraisal purposes, and one’s supervisor gives the feedback, the impact often is negative.

· when it is used for development purposes and the person giving the feedback is viewed as a disinterested individual whose motivation is to help, then the consequences tend to be much more positive

The process of providing feedback with care is applicable in the controlling role of the top level management where the management asks the employees to provide feedback that can improve the working condition and will create a coordination among the employees and the management. It is seen that the firm provides a feedback form to the employees where they ask them to fill the form up with respect to the issues they face so that they can be evaluated by the management and further actions can be taken to improve the condition.

4 Maximise Learner Choice

· it is better if we are free to choose whether or not to engage in such training – not always an option

It also is better if the choice is real.

The learner choice can be implemented within the firm during the planning process role of the firm during which the organization establishes new plans and makes them optional for the employees to enter into the training program. For instance, the organization has introduced a training program program regarding health and safety management within the organization and makes it optional for the employees to join the program.

5 Encourage Participation

· Because social and emotional learning is viewed as "soft" and thus somewhat suspect, employees will tend not to choose to participate in it unless they believe that the organization’s management strongly endorses it.

Motivation is an essential factor that encourages the participation of the employees and therefore the firm establishes motivational programs that will increase the confidence of the employees leading to increased efficiency of work from the employees. For instance, the firm undertakes motivational programs by initiating various fun and recreational activity programs that motivates the employees and thereby increasing their work efficiency.

6 Link Learning Goals to Personal Values

· People will be most motivated to learn and change if they believe that doing so will help them achieve goals that they value

· Trying to motivate learners by showing them that training will contribute to career success will be difficult if success is unimportant to them

· In one popular emotional competence program, many participants reported that the skills they learned were as valuable in managing relationships at home as they were at work.

The personal values are associated with the goals with the help of organizing by the management during which the firm collaborates with the personal values of the employees with the goals of the firm. It is seen that the organization creates their goal of increasing their sales by improving the working environment of the firm, which motivates the employees to work harder.

7 Adjust Expectations

· Expectations about performance can become self-fulfilling prophecies. People who are confident that they can succeed in a training program will tend to be more motivated and, not surprisingly, more successful(23).

·  Unfortunately, in the case of social and emotional learning, many people are skeptical that emotional intelligence can be improved.

· And people who find social and emotional problems challenging will be particularly dubious about their ability to improve.

· To maximize motivation, learners need to believe not only that greater emotional competence will lead to valued outcomes, but also that it can be improved. Furthermore, they need to have a realistic expectation of what the training process will involve

The controlling function of the management adjusts the expectations by transforming the organizational structure in order to enhance the workplace. For instance, the firm designs an organizational structure by looking at the desires of the employees and makes changes in the working hours to make the working hours suitable to the employees.

8. Gauge Readiness

· people go through several stages of readiness for change before they are ready to make a true commitment

· In the first stage, they deny that they have any need for change

· In the next stage, people begin to see that they need to improve, but they are not sure that anything can be done about their problems and they put off making a decision

· In the third stage, the individual recognizes that there is a problem and also that there are ways of dealing with it, but the person has not made a concrete plan to act

· It is not until the fourth stage that the person is ready to act.

The planning function of the management implements the readiness of the gauge to make sure that the functions are operated at every stage of the firm. For instance, the firm introduces a feedback form to find out the requirements of the employees with respect to the increase in turnover of the firm and after gaining the results constructs a plan that is effectively spread in all the departments.

Phase Two: Training

9 Foster a positive relationship between the trainer and learner

· trainers who are empathic, warm, and genuine – which are, of course, attributes of emotional intelligence – develop more positive relationships with participants in behavior change programs, and they are more likely to be successful

·  trainers work to develop a trusting relationship with the participants by engaging in a moderate degree of self-disclosure.

The creation of a proper understanding between the learner and the trainer is introduced with the help of efficient collaboration and understanding among them that reduce the time span of the work and will even enhance the working condition. It can be seen in the firm where a session is conducted where a face to face meeting is undertaken by the trainer with every individual learner so that they have a good understanding and helps the trainer to understand the needs of the learner.

10 Maximize self directed change

· People are more likely to develop emotional competence when they decide which competencies to work on and set their own goals. Training for emotional competence also benefits when the trainer adapts the training to match the person’s needs, goals, and learning style preferences

The maximization of self-directed change is possible through increasing the motivation of the employees. For instance the firm undertakes self-analysis programs where the employees are asked to self-appraise themselves so that they can understand their own position and accordingly transform themselves so that their efficiency increases.

11. Set clear goals

· Social and emotional learning benefits from specific, clear goals.

The organization establishes transparent and clear goals with the help of effective planning that leads to construction of the structure that enables clear understanding of the goals to the employees.

12 Break goals into manageable Steps

· it also helps if the goals are attainable

· helped to break it into smaller, more realistic action steps.

It is essential that the goals are segregated into steps that are manageable by classifying the operations and distribution of authorities that leads to break down actions within the firm. In this respect the firm breaks down the goals according the desired departments so that they can function their work accordingly.

13  Maximise Opportunities to Practice

· In social and emotional learning, there often must be more practice than in other types of learning because old, ineffective neural connections need to be weakened and new, more effective ones established. Such a process requires repetition over a prolonged period of time. And learners need to practice on the job, not just in the training situation, for transfer to occur.

Maximization of opportunities are put to practice in the directing function of the management, where control and monitoring is done by the management so that opportunities can be increased. The firm in this respect appoints various supervisors who monitor and control the workings of the employees so that work efficiency can be increased.

14  Provide Frequent Feedback on Practice

· Feedback is important during the change process as a way of indicating whether the learner is on track. It also can help sustain motivation

· Feedback is especially useful in social and emotional learning because the learners often have trouble recognizing how their social and emotional behaviour manifests itself.

· because self-awareness is a core competence, those who need the most help in emotional competence programs may be particularly weak in this area

The frequent feedback practice is introduced in the firm with the help of efficient coordination among the employees and the top level management so that during any disputes, the problem can be identified and can be rectified with ease.

15  Rely on Experiential Methods

· More active, concrete, experiential methods, such as role plays, group discussions, and simulations, usually work better than lecturing or assigned reading for social and emotional learning

The experimental methods are introduced by undertaking training programs within the organization. The introduction of any experimental models are primarily shown in the training programs to find out how the employees react and accordingly the model can be introduced within the firm.

16  Build in support

· Change is enhanced through ongoing support from individuals and small groups. Such support is especially valuable for people who are trying to improve their social and emotional competence. Coaches and mentors, as well as individuals who are going through the same change process, can help sustain a person’s hope and motivation(40).

· Social and emotional training programs usually are more effective when they encourage the formation of groups where people give each other support throughout the change effort

· In one program, “The participants reported that the conversations they had in their support groups about life style and priorities were the most important factors in helping them to make positive changes in their work and personal lives.”

The support can be constructed within the firm with the use of effective training with accordance to the needs of the firm. There are various motivational programs that are initiated in the level of staffing like activities that builds understanding and collaboration among the employees.

17  Use Models

· Seeing the desired behavior modeled is particularly valuable in social and emotional learning

The use of models is implemented by the management during the function of directing where the management constructs models and analyses them to find out the best suitable model that will be implemented by the firm. For instance, the management constructs models with respect to marketing strategy and finds out that out of the various models, the model that concentrates customer satisfaction is implemented as it is best suited for the firm.  

18  Enhance Insight

· Insight serves as a natural link between situations, thoughts and feelings. It enhances self-awareness, the cornerstone of emotional intelligence. And insight often paves the way for meaningful behavior change


· For instance, one program taught managers to be more aware of how their employees irritated them and to become more effective in setting limits with employees.

· The trainer began the lesson by showing an excerpt from a popular comedy film in which one character continually annoyed another one by infringing on his personal space in various ways.

· After showing the film, the trainer helped the participants to shift the focus from the film to themselves,

· and they began to see how they often allowed some of their employees to bother them in similarly annoying ways.

· After acquiring more insight into their own emotional reactions, the participants were ready to learn some emotional and social skills that could help them to deal with these annoying behaviors.

The insight development is undertaken within the firm with the implementation of training programs during the level of staffing and even with the help of motivational programs that enhances the knowledge and confidence of the employees. For instance, the insight of the employees are raised by giving them challenging jobs that increases their efficiency and in-depth knowledge.

19  Prevent Relapse

·  The essence of relapse prevention is to prepare people mentally to encounter slips, to recognize at the outset that setbacks are a normal part of the change process.

· Relapse prevention is especially important in social and emotional learning because participants attempting to develop these competencies are likely to encounter many setbacks as they attempt to apply new behaviors on the job.

· Without preparation for these setbacks, they can easily become discouraged and give up before the task of neural relearning has reached the point where the new, learned response is the automatic one.

· In relapse prevention training, people are helped to reframe slips as opportunities to learn in order to reduce the likelihood of slipping again in the future.

Relapse prevention is introduced within the firm with the help of programs related to training that makes the employees understand their own activities after which the work are evaluated by the management to find out the faults that are prevalent in their work so that they understand their mistakes and make necessary adjustments to improve their level of work.

Phase 3: transfer and Maintenance


20  Encourage use of skills on the Job

· There are many different ways that supervisors, peers, subordinates, and others in the work environment can encourage learners to apply what they have learned. The best methods involve either reminding people to use the skills or reinforcing them when they do so

· Reinforcement is a particularly good way to encourage trainees to apply their new skills on the job and to continue doing so. In the workplace, reinforcement by one’s supervisor can be especially powerful

· The behavior of a supervisor, or any high status person, is crucial for the transfer and maintenance of new emotional and social competencies. The models to which learners are exposed when they return to the work environment are even more powerful than those they encountered during training.

·  Social and emotional behavior seems to be especially sensitive to modeling effects, and high status persons are influential models for this kind of behavior in the workplace

· In addition to modeling and reinforcement, reflection can help learners transfer and maintain what they have learned. It can be particularly helpful for supervisors to set aside some time periodically to help learners reflect on what they have done to apply the skills, and to consider what have been the barriers and facilitating factors. Because self-awareness is a cornerstone of social and emotional competence, reflection can be especially valuable during the transfer and maintenance phase(58).

The use of skills in the workplace is encouraged with the help of motivational activities like motivational speeches given by the managers to the employees that motivates them and encourages them to undertake complex and severe tasks that will uplift their skills and raise their confidence.

21  Provide an Organizational Culture that Supports Learning

· Transfer and maintenance of specific skills seems to be affected by the extent to which the organization values learning and development in general

· The climate of the work environment is particularly important for transfer of social and emotional learning to the job

It is essential to provide an organizational culture that aids support to the employees and therefore the firm tries to make use of it by redesigning their plans and constructing goals and objectives that according to the changing needs of the market and the employees that will increase the level of learning within the firm.

Phase Four: Evaluating Change


22  Conduct on-going evaluation research

· Evaluation is essential for promoting effective training.

· Research suggests that many training programs do not fulfill their promise(63).

· Only through evaluation can poor programs be improved and effective ones retained.

· By evaluation, we mean a process that focuses on continuous improvement rather than just a "pass-fail" test in which individuals associated with a program win or lose credibility.

· When an evaluation suggests that a program falls short in achieving its goals, it should not be used to punish an individual or group.

· Rather, it should be used as a guide for improving the training that is offered.

· Evaluation should be linked to learning and the continual pursuit of quality.

· One company evaluated its training programs

· They found that three of the eleven programs were worthless. On the other hand, five programs had a return-on-investment ranging from 16 to 492 percent, and one time management program had a return-on-investment of 1,989 percent. The four year study cost $500,000, which was only .02 percent of the $240 million that the company spent on training during that period.

· Effective training programs are also shown to increase production and reduce absenteeism

The organization implements the process of ongoing analysis by making use of their directing and managing functions. The firm tries to monitor the entire operation so that they can examine the operational activities and make necessary amendments according to the organization’s needs. This can be implemented with the use of extensive training mechanisms that will be useful in uplifting the activities of the company by increasing the motivational levels of the employees working within the company.

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