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BMGT615 Contribute to Organization Development

Published : 07-Oct,2021  |  Views : 10


Ensure the meeting room must be comfortable and prepared before the participants arrive

Nominate a recorder to write the ideas on a flip chart, data projector, or whiteboard as they are called out

Define the problem concisely and clearly. Describe any criteria that must be met. Explain that the purpose is to generate as many ideas as possible

Allow time for people to develop their own ideas at the commencement of the session

Request that individuals call out their ideas and ensure that all get equal time and opportunity

Encourage everyone to build on the ideas of others or use them as a base to build new ideas

Ensure enthusiastic and uncritical attitudes were fostered among the group. Work hard to get everyone to think of ideas and share – especially the quiet ones

Ensure that no one critics or evaluate the ideas of anyone or themselves during the session because it will close down the creativity

Encourage people to have fun. Look for crazy of the well ideas, madly impractical, and totally practical

Ensure not to let the session get bogged down on one idea for too long.



Organizational development is one of the most important goals and aims that organizations have. Almost all organizations have the aim to establish development strategies which will help them increase their gains at a significant rate and maintain these high gains in a significantly large volume. Sometimes, organizations are required to establish changes in how they operate, in order to change the level of effectiveness that they aim to achieve. A major issue with aspects regarding change is resistance from organizational stakeholders that are not in line with the establishment of this change (McLean, 2006). This paper assesses the case situation of Bounce Fitness organization, which has recently made significant changes, with an aim of establishing organizational development.  

Description of the business, Mission vision and values, SWOT analysis

    Bounce Fitness is an organization that majors in the activities of providing a facility for people to maintain their fitness, and offering training lessons for those that require them. This organization was earlier operating among other fitness centres, where shareholders and organizational customers had been used to relating to the organization. After an assessment by the organizational management of how it is operating and consideration of many complaints received, the organization made the decision to operate alone and cut the connection with the centres.

By making this decision, the organization has the ability to improve its operations and make any further necessary change that it may require to make. The mission of the organization is to provide an appropriate place for all individuals to attain fitness in the most effective way. Its vision is to become the best fitness centre within the society where it operates. Its main strength is the ability to make necessary changes without the need to consult centre management. Its main weakness is the possible resistance that may arise due to this change. It however has an opportunity of establishing effective changes that will help in increasing its effectiveness and gains as an organization. The main threat is competition from the rest of the fitness organizations operating in the centre.

Objectives and KPI s of Bounce fitness, HR Team, Operation plan, Financial projections

    The objectives of the organization are to establish the effectiveness of operation, in order to ensure that customers are fully satisfied by the services that it gives. The human resource team of the organization plays the major role in ensuring that the trainers are fully skilled in the activity of training all the customers that visit the organization. The organizational operation plan is similar to the plan that it was initially utilizing at the centers. The organization has the intention of using similar systems like those used in the centers, but establish improvements to increase customer satisfactions. Financially, the organization projects a significant increase in gains and shareholder returns, since the increased customer satisfaction is likely to attract more customers and eventually obtain the necessary effectiveness.

Stakeholder management

The plan of the development is important and it fully relies upon the establishment of the required organizational change. In order to ensure that the change is a success, it is significantly important for the organization to ensure that the stakeholders are in support of this change. It is however definite that while a number of stakeholders are likely to support the change, a number of them are also highly likely to be against it. With this regard, therefore, the organizational management should begin by assessing the stakeholders after informing them about the proposed change and understanding whether they are in support or they do not support. It is important for the organization to ensure that the stakeholders with the most influence in the organization are convinced to support the change proposed. With their support, the organization is guaranteed to making it successful (Yaeger, Head, & Sorensen, 2006).  The following template presents information about how this stakeholder management in Bounce fitness takes place.




Degree of support





( how will you engage stakeholders to facilitate the change)

Largest shareholder




Revealing the possible gains and returns from the change

Organizational fitness manager




Revealing the benefits to the fitness programs through the change

Organizational CEO




Revealing the general benefit of the change to the organization

Trainers representative




Revealing the positive impact of the change to training programs.  

Customer representative




Revealing the expected improvement on customer satisfaction.

 Communication (How will you monitor and respond to the feedback How will you respond to the lesson learned for improvements)

In the change establishment process, communication is of significant importance. To begin with, the necessary changes are to be established with an aim of improving the services that the organization was offering and increasing customer satisfaction. Customer feedback on the services is therefore of significant importance. In order to obtain this feedback, the organization can establish a communication platform accessible to all organizational cuastomers. From this platform, they can provide feedback to how the organization is operating and their satisfaction. From this information, I will then communicate this information with the organizational decision makers and shareholders through communication forums like meetings, and organize how the required changes will be implemented in the new organizational plan (Kondalkar, 2009).

The template provides more information on the collection of feedback


Purpose of communication


Format / channel

Organizational management

To explain the intended change and its importance.

Within the first to the third day of the change intentions.

Small board meeting

Organizational shareholders

Create awareness of the change and its justification

Between the third to the fifth day

Large meeting

Organizational managers

Explain the roles needed for them to play in the change.

Between the fifth to the seventh day of the change.

Organizational memos

Organizational trainers

Explain the roles they are needed to play in the change process.

Between the seventh to the tenth day

Organizational memos

Organizational stakeholders

Creating awareness of the change and its progress

Between the tenth to fifteenth day

A general meeting.

 Training and education plan (How will you identify training need of each stakeholder, How will you develop targeted training activities, How will you choose appropriate method for delivery)

Training is of significant importance. Through training, the organizational employees will manage to operate with high effectiveness. The stakeholders will also make the right decisions with regard to supporting or resisting the change. Assessment of the level of support to the change that the stakeholders have will help me determine the need for training for each stakeholder. Training activities for targeted individuals will be established through individual strategies where I will approach an individual and educate him or her regarding different issues in the organization. I will use the level of relationship, influence and organizational hierarchy ranking to determine the best method of delivering the required training and awareness (Cummings, 2008).

Stakeholder objectives, Management commitments Known resistance

The objectives of the organizational stakeholders are to oversee the strategies that the management is utilizing in order to ensure that the organization manages to remain effective in the activities that it involves in. In this situation, the organizational stakeholders have an obligation of helping the management decide on whether the change is an appropriate strategy and then play their roles in ensuring that they offer support to make the change successful, after the decision to implement it has been made. The management is, on the other hand, the body that has the mandate to make decisions and take responsibility for any negative impact that occurs from the decisions made. For all changes to be put in place, some form of resistance occurs. With the occurrence of any resistance, the organization has the mandate of ensuring that effectiveness required is obtained (Cheung. & Holbeche, 2015).The following templates provide information regarding the stakeholder objectives, their commitments and the known resistance. 

Management commitments

Name of executive


Proposed supporting actions



Organize for a smooth change process

Chief financial Officer

Chief financial Officer

Ensure the funding of the change is sufficient and realistic

General Manager

General Manager

Ensure the change takes place effectively.

Human resource manager

Human resource manager

Ensure employees carryout their roles completely

Training Manager

Training Manager

Ensure that trainers are fully equipped to make the change a success

Communication Objectives (Purpose of communication, Key Stakeholders, Means of communication, Timeline)

As explained earlier, communication is of significant importance in an organization that is establishing any form of change. To begin with, communication will be utilized to communicate to the organizational stakeholders, the main change that the organization intends to implement in its operation. This is the change of separating with the center in order to improve the quality of its services to the customers. The organizational customers will also utilize communication platform to communicate the levels of their satisfaction and recommended changes that they would prefer the organization to make. The management will also utilize communication strategies to convince stakeholders to support the change that is about to be implemented in the organization (Cummings, & Worley, 2013).  

Training Objectives

Training is of significant importance. The organizational employees require being trained significantly, in order to enable them to become fully equipped with the necessary skills that they will use to deliver high-quality services to the customers. Fitness trainers, who are the specific individuals who deal directly with the organizational customers have a significant capability to determine the level of effectiveness associated with the organization by the customers. One major way through which the organization can manage to ensure that the customers become fully satisfied therefore is by ensuring that the organizational fitness trainers are fully skilled. Highly skilled trainers help customers to achieve their training goals and thus their level of satisfaction increases significantly. By being associated with such effectiveness, the organization is likely to attract a large number of customers and thus increase its gains.

The following templates provides more information on the training objectives section of employees in the Bounce Fitness organization.

List of employee requires future training



Skill required

Skill exists?

Type of training required



Field training

Indoor training

Field skills training



Indoor training

Individual training

Indoor skills training


Human resource

Proper guidance and decision making

Ability to address employee issues

Employee management training



Individual training

Field training

Individual skills training

Curriculum and content of training


Type of training required

Delivery method

Training documents ( Resource)


Employee development and training understanding

A session of theoretical and practical study.

Organizational buildings


How to train effectively

A session of outdoor training.

Organizational training grounds.

Brainstorming is an activity where a group of individuals gathers in order to generate ideas that can be utilized to address certain issues affecting them or an organization. In this situation, Bounce Fitness organization has just made the decision to make a significant organizational change where it will separate from a central organization that consists other fitness organizations in order to operate independently. As explained earlier, the purpose of this separation is to increase the effectiveness of its operation and satisfaction to the customers without being bound by the rules and operation limitations of the center. With this regard, therefore, the organization requires a large number of ideas and improvement strategies that can be obtained through a brainstorming session (Cheung. & Holbeche, 2015).

The first aspect is determining the individuals who will be in the brainstorming session. Since the organization has a large number of individuals, it is not possible to include all stakeholders in the brain storming session. The most appropriate group of individuals to join the session is the organizational management. Since the first major necessity of the session is a quiet room where the individuals can be able to concentrate without being distracted by noise or any other sources of distraction. The organization can then secure a room like the organizational boardroom and use it to brainstorm. The other important strategy through which they achievement can be made is through hiring a quiet meeting space where the individuals can meet (Anderson, 2011).

Another aspect of this meeting is having an individual who will write the ideas that will be developed in the session. This individual should record each idea effectively in order to avoid future alteration of ideas from what they had initially been presented. Another aspect of this session is to ensure that the individuals are all given an opportunity to present their ideas. Without allowing all individuals to present the ideas that they have, the session cannot be considered successful. The session will also allow individuals to manage remaining effective in the activities that they involve in. This will help in ensuring that the brainstorming session manages to be highly effective (Anderson, 2013).

The purpose of a meeting minute is to record all the information that was spoken in a meeting. In this case, the meeting is mainly to plan a strategy that will help the organizational management obtaining support from the personal trainers.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 AM with a word of player from the head of the finance department. In attendance of the meeting include the chair of the meeting and the general manager of the organization, the finance officer, the human resource manager, the secretary of organizational affairs and two organizational shareholders.

The first agenda that was discussed at the meeting is how the organization can obtain support from the personal trainers. The chair of the meeting began by explaining that personal trainers are likely to support the changes since they support its main agenda of increasing organizational effectiveness and customer satisfaction. The human resource manager then added on this agenda by explaining that the personal trainers require convincing since the change affects them directly. In order to achieve the set goals, the trainers would require further training on how to train individuals effectively. The secretary of organizational affairs provided the generally accepted solution of calling the trainers for a meeting and then explaining to them the change, its importance and how it will affect them, even before the change is implemented.  

The other agenda addressed the meeting is how the organization will manage to reduce resistance from stakeholders of the organization on the change. The chair of the meeting suggested targeting the most influential individuals of the organization and seeking their support on the same. The human resource manager expressed the concern of when these individuals do not offer their support. In response to this concern, the finance manager explained that the target should be to ensure that the majority of these individuals support the change since, with their support and the management willingness to implement the change, there will be a less general resistance of the same.

A question was raised by the human resource manager on how the most influential individuals will be identified. The finance manager answered the question by stating these individuals as those who have the ability to impact what decision is made. The target individuals, therefore, include the board members and any shareholder that has a large number of shares in the organization. After the agenda was completed, there was not any other business and thus the secretary of organizational affairs closed the meeting with prayer.


Anderson, D. (2011). Cases and Exercises in Organization Development and Change. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Incorporated.

Anderson, D. (2013). Organization development : the process of leading organizational change. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Cheung. & Holbeche, L. (2015). Organization development : a practitioner's guide for OD and HR. London Philadelphia: Kogan Page.

Cummings, T. & Worley, C. (2013). Organization Development and Change. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Cummings, T. (2008). Handbook of organization development. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.

Kondalkar, V. (2009). Organization development. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers.

McLean, G. (2006). Organization development : principles, processes, performance. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Yaeger, T., Head, T. & Sorensen, P. (2006). Global organization development : managing unprecedented change. Greenwich, CT: IAP - Information Age Pub.

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