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ITECH7410 Software Engineering Methodologies

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    Federation University



To begin with this reflection paper, it is required to mention that in the current world, especially in the entire corporate world, the use of their respective data is being needed to managed and organized very specifically. However, with the use of proper data structures and algorithms one can eventually do the following job as per the requirements. Moreover, because of such a significant use of this unit regarding data structure and algorithms, I eventually decided to attend certain considerable lecture of tutorial about the same. Thus, this paper will be reflection about the description of the entire unit and its study, as well about the analysis and outcomes from that study. Lastly, all of this will be arranged according to the following 11 weeks of the entire tutorial.


Week 1


Initially, in week one, the major focus of the lecture was on need to study algorithms. After giving an overview about the algorithms and data structure, the lecture was precisely focused on algorithms, revision of JAVA, and such other related important topics. Moreover, the most interesting part in this week for me was the revision of JAVA.


As a part of analysis, it is needed to mention that the revision provided was very much needed for the future studies. Moreover, it is also a fact that before starting any new course or lecture, having revision about the earlier study is always beneficial. Lastly, I felt very sufficient after going through the information regarding Data Conversion in JAVA (Tan, Steinbach, and Kumar, 2013). As there is a fear of loss of information in the case of conversion, thus studying about promotion casting and assignment conversion was very helpful to avoid any further issues.


 Joining this lecture or tutorial was beneficial and helpful from the very first lecture only, as here I learnt about the overview of the data structures and algorithms, along with going through a proper and required revision of JAVA. Moreover, this week I learned about myself that I always prefer to have a revision of the study before starting anything new. However, it is required for me to study the nuances about data conversion. Lastly, offering a proper revision of earlier study as a professor is a very considerable thing, and thus I will also use it in future.

Week 2


In the case of week 2, the focus of the lecture was over the beginning of data structure, especially about stack and data structure. Moreover, the most interesting part for me in this week was the study about the stack and queue, especially because it was very related to the basic meaning of these words and hence were very relatable for us as learners.


Stack and queue were the two identified topics which I found interesting in the second week, especially the LIFO and FIFO concept being applied in the stack and queue respectively (Attiya, Castañeda, and Hendler, 2018). However, the feeling which I experienced while studying about the same was that I understand the concept very properly and eventually got interested in this course. Lastly, in the other considerable resources also the information regarding the Stacks and Queue were also the same.


Here particularly I have learned about the basics of data structure as well as the need of the stack and queue in the data structure. In this week I learned about myself that If I found something relatable then I get completely indulged in studying about it. Moreover, I had a question here about the queue as a data structure and its basic details, as they were not added in this week. Lastly, I can use this learning further in my studies by always firstly focusing over the basic of any topic.

Week 3


Third week in this tutorial was the week where proper study about the details were initiated. In this week several new topics were initiated such as Big OH notation, growth functions, loop execution and nested loops. I was completely busy this week as there was a lot to study.


My interest in this week was over the introduction of several topics altogether. Moreover, this made very intrigued about what will we learn next and was feeling that how it would be useful for us in further studies. Moreover, it was required to study regularly especially regarding the analysation of growth function, and loop executions (Goodrich, and Tamassia, 2015).


Here in this week, I learned about several new topics, i.e., Big OH notation, comparing growth functions and analysing loop execution. Here, in this week I didn’t learn anything specific about myself, instead I realized that from now onwards it is required to be focused over the course. Moreover, it is still required for me to study more properly about asymptotic complexity. As the dishwashing algorithm is the major concern and thus, I need to study about the same.

Week 4


This week’s focus was over Recursion, iteration, generics and interfaces. Moreover, the part of recursion was one of the most intriguing parts in this week, especially regarding the recursive definition and its details.


As mentioned above about the recursive definition and recursion was the most interesting and intriguing part for me, however, it is also required to mention about the same that I would require to study about the same in more brief to get it properly. Thus, the feeling which I had while studying about recursion was the need to study about it in more brief. Moreover, while studying about the same, I observed that it is a method for solving problems based on other small problems or instances (Atkey, and McBride, 2013).


Here I learned about the recursion, iteration and other topics provided. Moreover, during this week I learned about myself that I am interested in the topics like recursion and recursive definition but also will require to study about them more briefly. There are a lot of things which I require to study more, in this week. And the use of this week’s learning would be helpful in various context in further life, especially in similar job profile.

Week 5


In this week, it was learnt about the callback, roadmap regarding call back, comparable API, selection sort and lastly, implementation of JAVA in selection sort. Moreover, the most interesting [part of this week was the use of JAVA in the implementation of sort.


Typically, sort is used to arrange the elements, especially in a required and an organized format. Moreover, the main feeling which I had about this implementation was that it is a very useful and required process which eventually helps in arranging the data in a required manner, especially to manage and further use that data accordingly. Similarly, other resources also states that it is nothing else but a set of concerned data in required format or in a sorted manner for better representation (Pandey, Bunkar, and Raghuvanshi, 2014).


Here in this were, I learnt about this aspect of the entire unit that sort is process which is very important along with comparable API and callback, and thus it is required to study them accordingly. Moreover, I learnt about myself that the it is required by me to practice such implementations properly, especially to use it in future with having proper knowledge of basics.

Week 6


This week was particularly focused on the study about merge sort. Moreover, as of now, it was clear that, how much important is it to use scripted language for such processes especially in the purpose of arranging and managing the required data.


As an analysis of this week’s lecture or tutorial it is required to mention that the following analysis will be regarding the merge, especially about assistance of merge sort in merging two or more set of variables in particular way (Cheema, Sarwar, and Yousaf, 2016). Moreover, the feeling I had while taking these lectures was to understand the usage of such sort process appropriately, in order to use them further.


I learnt here about the merge sort and its nuances, especially with the help of Java implementation. Moreover, I learnt about myself that the topics we were studying now are very important and should be studied properly. Insertion and selection sort are the topic which are required to be studied more properly, especially to use them in further usage in my career as well as future researches.

Week 7


 In week 7, the lectures were completely focused on quick sort as well as selection as part of Quick Sort. Moreover, the most important part of this study or this part of lecture was that Quick sort is something which is faster than the merge sort.


As part of analysis, it is required to mention here that, the quick sort is the process of sorting which is more important and even faster the other sorting processes like heapsort and merge sort. Similarly, the feeling which I had here was also, about learning importance of this proper along with its proper use and implementation. Lastly, the information found over other prominent resources regarding Quick sort were as same as it was taught in the following lectures (Fill, and Janson, 2012).


The learning which I gathered here were about quick sort, especially about its proper usage and how it is better than the previously studied merge sort. Besides that, I learnt about myself that my interest in this particular unit of data structures and algorithms is increasing. Lastly, the topic which is required to be studied kore briefly in this particular week was about the use of selection sort, especially about the Quick Select process, as all of this will be useful in further studies very significantly.

Week 8


This week was precisely focused over heapsort, along with all of its required details in a proper and required manner. Moreover, the most important and interesting part pf this week’s study was about the mathematical analysis which was tough as well as interesting for me to understand.


As per the analysis of this week’s study, it is required to mention here that heapsort is a process of sorting which is comparison-based sorting algorithm. Moreover, the feeling I had while studying about tis were regarding the facts and details of it that they are very complex and eventually better than the other sorting algorithms studied earlier. Lastly, the other sources informed that, heapsort is a technique od aborting which is based on binary heap data structure (Edelkamp, Elmasry, and Katajainen, 2012).


Here this week I learned about the binary tree, complete tree as well as their use and implementation of heapsort. Besides that, what I learnt about myself in this week was that after studying in the lecture it is required to study the same from other prominent sources especially, to have a better understanding of the topic along with separate opinions.          Moreover, the topics which are required to be studied more properly are about the mathematical analysis of heapsort in order to use it is further implementations of algorithms and related study.

Week 9


This week’s focus was over symbol tables and binary search. Moreover, various context and applications related to Symbol tables were also described in this week. However, the major interesting part of this week was related to binary search and symbol table operations.


Basically, binary search is a process or algorithm to search an item from a sorted list of items. Moreover, the, major feeling which I had while studying about the same was also learn the things as properly as I can, as eventually in sometime or weeks this unit will be competed and I have to be efficient at this. Moreover, it was obtained from other prominent resources that symbol table is used to store the information regarding various entities (Nazari, Roth, and Rumpe, 2016).


I learnt here about the symbol table, the process of storing information in this table in a complier as well as about the use of binary search to look for an item in list of sorted items. Besides, my own understanding about myself, after this week was nothing new as I was still just focusing on getting the entire unit properly.

Week 10


This week’s focus was over several trees, especially 2-3 tree, B tree, red black tree, and several other such trees. Moreover, the most important and interesting part of this study was that the representation of the tutor or the lecturer regarding these trees were very intriguing.


Analysis of this week’s study is that besides having a great and intriguing way of teaching things, this was short to make us study such a diverse part of trees. Moreover, the feeling I had in this week was also about that the entire topic was being taught very fast, which might eventually result into need of studying the same again from some other resources. Lastly, after studying from some other resources it was evaluated that, the tree is a non-linear data structure, as compared to linked lists, array stack and queue (Dehne, et al., 2013).


What I learnt in this week was all related to tree and their use as a data structure. However, my own understanding about the self at the end of this week was that reading the things by your own is sometimes very helpful. Lastly, red black tree and BST tree are the ones which were needed to be studied again for the further use.

Week 11


Firstly, in this week, it was studied about the summary of symbol table, and further the main focus was on hash function and all of its related operations. However, as far as the interesting part of this week’s study is concerned, it is required to mention that providing the summary for the entire symbol table was the best part of this week.


As a part of analysis, it is required to mention that, offering the summary of symbol table before initiating the further study in this week was beneficial for us as students. Moreover, what I felt while attending the lectures in this week was that it was the last week of this unit’s study and thus having the summary of important part of the study was very useful. Lastly, by studying from other resources it was obtained that, hash function is particularly used to shift the stored data from an arbitrary list into a sorted list (Sobti, and Geetha, 2012).


The study in this week was precisely based on the hash function along with a short and required summary of symbol table. Moreover, what I learnt about myself was that I was very particularly focused over the study of this unit, especially to complete the course accordingly. Besides that, nothing is required to be studied from outside of the lecture. Lastly, all of this could be easily used in the further studies as well as career as part of data structure and algorithms.


After going through the entire reflection about this unit through the lecture or tutorial it is required to mention that I have attended the lectures with very proper and required focus, as I am aiming to use this study in my further career as well as upcoming researches. As, data structure and algorithm are very important and required part of the entire IT sector and thus it will eventually be very helpful for me to use it as a factor for looking for a suitable job in the following sector. Besides that, it is also required to mention here that, this entire lecture o tutorial of 11 weeks was very fruitful for me to have proper and considerable understanding of data structure and algorithms. However, there were certain cases where it was difficult to understand certain topic in the class or lecture only, but putting certain extra effort besides the class eventually helped me to overcome that obstacle.


Atkey, R. and McBride, C., 2013. Productive coprogramming with guarded recursion. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 48(9), pp.197-208.

Attiya, H., Castañeda, A. and Hendler, D., 2018. Nontrivial and universal helping for wait-free queues and stacks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 121, pp.1-14.

Cheema, S.M., Sarwar, N. and Yousaf, F., 2016, August. Contrastive analysis of bubble & merge sort proposing hybrid approach. In 2016 Sixth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH) (pp. 371-375). IEEE.

Dehne, F.K.H.A., Kong, Q., Rau-Chaplin, A., Zaboli, H. and Zhou, R., 2013, October. A distributed tree data structure for real-time OLAP on cloud architectures. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (pp. 499-505). IEEE.

Edelkamp, S., Elmasry, A. and Katajainen, J., 2012. The weak-heap data structure: Variants and applications. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 16, pp.187-205.

Fill, J. and Janson, S., 2012. The number of bit comparisons used by Quicksort: an average-case analysis. Electronic Journal of Probability, 17, pp.1-22.

Goodrich, M.T. and Tamassia, R., 2015. Algorithm design and applications (pp. 513-514). Hoboken: Wiley.

Nazari, P.M.S., Roth, A. and Rumpe, B., 2016. An extended symbol table infrastructure to manage the composition of output-specific generator information. arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.00585.

Pandey, K.K., Bunkar, R.K. and Raghuvanshi, K.K., 2014. A Comparative Study of Different Types of comparison Based Sorting Algorithms in Data Structure. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 4(2).

Sobti, R. and Geetha, G., 2012. Cryptographic hash functions: a review. International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI), 9(2), p.461.

Tan, P.N., Steinbach, M. and Kumar, V., 2013. Data mining cluster analysis: basic concepts and algorithms. Introduction to data mining, 487, p.533.

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