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Central Queensland University
This research proposal aims to investigate the significance of an increased female employee representation on MTM’s business performance goals, and to establish the factors that are deterring female career interest to positions within the Australian rail industry. The objectives are to:
• Determine the current rate of female participation in rail;
• Examine the benefits of increased female participation on MTM’s business; objectives;
• Examine the factors that influence the low rates of female applicants to positions/careers in the rail industry, and;
• Develop strategies for MTM to help increase the attractiveness of careers for women in rail industry.
Secondary data and data analysis methods
As mentioned earlier, this study will mainly use secondary data from the Victorian government and MTM database, which would be available online. In particular, demographic characteristics of all staff of MTM, workplace flexibility and safety data such as flexibility in work schedule, occupational health and safety data and literature will be collected from MTM website and from their annual report. After collecting all data, all variables such as demographic characterises, workplace safety indicators and flexibility will be structured in an Excel sheet and then a correlation analysis will be conducted to find the relationship between attraction variable such as safety and flexibility and demographic variable such as gender and age groups.
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