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Australian Catholic University
“Poor medicine for poor people? Assessing the impact of neoliberal reform on health care equity in a post-socialist context
1) gives an overview of the assigned tutorial reading for that week
2) provides a general context of the issue raised in the reading and the relevance of the reading to contemporary events and issues and
3) a critical overview of the reading identifying both its conceptual and empirical weaknesses and strengths.
Students provide a clear and concise summary of the tutorial reading in their own words and are able to answer questions from the class. 25% Students are able to relate the content of the reading to contemporary issues and events and examine these issues through concepts and perspectives developed in the reading. 25%
Students can relate the reading and its relevance to lectures and identify how the reading fits into the broader aims, perspectives and concepts built up in lectures. 25%
Students can critically examine the reading noting its weakness and strengths in terms of relevance to current events and issues, conceptual clarity and depth and empirical evidence. 25%
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