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COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design

Published : 07-Sep,2021  |  Views : 10


•How would ASCIS   go about developing its information systems Which approach would ASCIS take
•Justify your choice of your selected approach/ methodology to systems development. 

•List all the critical primary functional requirements for the system in the case study. 
•List all the non-functional requirements for the system in the case study and justify why would you like to have these non-functional requirements.  
•Discuss your Project Cost Benefit Analysis.
•Provide an excel spread sheet with details in a Project Cost Benefit Analysis.

•Show a work breakdown structure which follows your choice of approach/ methodology and a project schedule as a Gantt Chart. Briefly explain both of them and discuss how they relate to each other.•Given the system goals, requirements, and scope as they are currently understood, is the project schedule reasonable Why or why not
System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques 

•Who are the stakeholders involved
•Explain your choice of the 3 most useful investigation techniques. 
•Justify the usefulness of these 3 investigation techniques.


This sports club conducts many sports activities like football, cricket and even athletics like outdoor games along with the indoor games like darts and table tennis and due to its popularity it has numerous members about few thousands. The club maintains a tradition of releasing newsletter every week with 10 articles on sports and 5 articles of outside advertisements. The club president has the overall responsibility to release the newsletter on time and weekly nominate each editor among the club members who shall coordinate between the parties to collect and develop the newsletter. The club president is currently facing lot of problem in releasing the newsletter on time.

So, the club owner has nominated HighVoltage Information Services to analyse and develop the automated system which can help club president in dealing with the current problems and releasing the newsletter on time.

2. Approach to Systems Development 

2.1. Possible approach to develop system

As this club has many thousand members, club president releases newsletter every week to promote the sports activities. The publishing of Newsletter every Wednesday is the core responsibility of club president, but he needs to nominate every week different editor from within the members. But to coordinate among the list of few thousands that who have been editor and who have not yet is a big task and other such issues too which becomes real issue for the president. Few more issues being faced by the president and team are:

Maintaining the list of members who have never been assigned the responsibility to act as editor of the newsletter is very difficult with the available software excel and word

Maintaining the list of every member who have already submitted the article and at the same time the members who are yet to submit need to be followed up, but it is very difficult to find the name

Maintain the same subject of article to be released with the advertisement is again a big task because all the articles and advertisements need to segregate according to their subject.

With all such issues where the system needs to be updated and extract the balance activity list becomes very difficult with available systems. So in current continuous changing environment Agile methodology of developing the system could be the best option.

2.2. Justification of the approach chosen to develop system 

The chosen approach is Agile methodology, it has a fantastic characteristic of getting the best result under the circumstances where more human related activities are there like marketing, IT services and can be useful for current system development too. The advantages of Agile methodology can be considered for this current type of issue and it can help the system by (Software Testing Help, 2017):

Developing such a flexible system where the inputs received by each stakeholder can be taken as comments and the system can be developed for further betterment

Agile can arrange the whole unsystematic data at a single location while managing the database with all flexibility of getting change at any point

It can provide a transparent approach of database management too.
3. Systems Requirements

3.1. Primary functional requirements for developing the Allsports Sports Club System for Information sharing

The lists of primary functions required for the proper functioning of Allsports Sports Club System for Information sharing are:

Mandatory registration of all users are required to be done to maintain the privacy of the web system

Proper authentication procedure need to be adopted by sending online passwords to user’s mobile or e-mail ids.

On-line notification systems need to be provided for proper follow-up of pending activities with applicable users.

Common header and footers of the article must be done so that every report can be released in similar format and always modification is not required.

Properly notify the pending activities to all respective users

No location barrier for the accessing the system must be there so that the users can access with their ease of location.

3.2. Non Functional requirements for developing the Allsports Sports Club System for Information sharing

The lists of non-functional requirements for developing the Allsports Sports Club System for Information sharing are:

The system must be accessed from all hardware system such as mobile, laptop, desktop, etc.

The system must be highly secured so that it can prevent itself from any cyber-attack and the risk of losing personal data can be minimised.

User’s friendly system must be developed to provide ease of operation

4. Project Cost Benefit Analysis

4.1. Discussion & Analysis

The project cost benefit analysis is a tool used to calculate few factors which gets impacted due to the cost of expenditures and the expected benefits or profits and it helps in taking right step towards investing for the project (Sartori, 2014). The factors required for the calculation are:

Estimated cost (Budget):

Cost of Hardware = $ 40,000

Cost of salary for the employees = $ 15,000

Utility cost = $ 5,000
Grand Total cost = $ 60,000

Recurring cost (Expenditure):

Maintenance cost = $ 1200 / month = $ 14,400

Miscellaneous cost = $ 200 / month = $ 2,400

Total recurring cost = $ 1400 / month = $ 16,800

Expected Benefits / profits from the project:

Reduce staff salary = $ 2,000 / month = $ 24,000 Increase income = $ 1,000 / month = $ 12,000

Total profits / benefits = $ 3,000 / month = $ 36,000

4.2. Recommendation

After observing the outcome of the analysis, the Net Present value (NPV) came positive with $ 16,349, then the Return on Interest (ROI) is also good with 12.89% and the Pay-Back period is also between year 3 and 4, to be exact it is 3.87 years OR 0.87 x 365 = 317 days, i.e. 3 years and 317 days after the zero date of the project.

So, overall the project is good and is advisable for investment.

WBS is the work breakdown structure is extremely important tool in project management and it becomes the base point of the start of all planning activity (Project Smart, 2017). It defines the total scope in hierarchy pattern. The whole scope of work is divided in to Business case analysis, PM Techniques, Scope identification, Design, Prototype & Test and close. On the basis of WBS below Gantt chart is developed (refer figure 2).

The schedule is developed using MS Project software in Gantt chart view, where the whole WBS is further divided in to activities, then duration and relationships are assigned to develop the overall schedule. As per the schedule, if we consider start date as 18 August 2017 then the end date is 17 November 2017. So altogether the project duration is 3 months, but net working days are 66 days excluding Saturday and Sunday which seems to be reasonable as there are very less critical path activities, so the time line should be achievable.

6. System Information Requirement Investigation Techniques

6.1. List of involved Stakeholders

The stakeholders are the people, who are directly or indirectly linked with the project, influence the project, loss the success, make success, the vendors, competitors, locals, etc. all list are the stakeholders (Usmani, 2017). The stakeholders can be mainly divided in to internal or external. The major investigation techniques & its usefulness are:

Trend Analysis: this technique uses the past performances of the project to predict the future outcome. This technique is useful because of the chosen methodology (Agile), since it is a continuous improvement or development so there may be chances when the entire budget gets exhausted. Close inspection of the project trend is very useful.

Review meetings: it is the technique where all the experts sit together to debate on some issue for finding the solution or root cause analysis to find the cause of issue. This technique is useful as the technique uses many experts of the same area. So, periodic review meetings are necessary do the success of the project.

Questionnaire setting and the feedback analysis: in this technique a set of questions set by the expert, like some consultant and then personal interview or some other method of getting unbiased feedback is used to get the required information. It is useful for the current methodology of system development as multiple experts need not be recruited and only one expert can solve the purpose to check Agile at every stage of cycle.

7.1. Achievement

Allsports Sports Club has conceptualised a good project which can really support club president in releasing the newsletter on time and the methodology used for the purpose if again a great achievement.

7.2. Constraints

The key resources availability during the execution phase may be one of the constraints along with the tight budget. So prior resource mobilisation planning is required to be done to overcome the issue.


With this report this can be concluded that the issue being faced by club president is addressed properly and the implementation of this system can overcome all such problems. Project schedule is well achievable with the methodology being used; moreover the investigation techniques are few key criteria which shall keep the proper track of the project and the product.


Project Smart. 2017. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: <  HYPERLINK "" >

Sartori, D. 2014. GUIDE TO COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS. [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: <  HYPERLINK "" >

Software Testing Help. 2017. Getting Started with Agile Scrum Methodology: The Complete Guide for Software Developers and Testers. [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: <  HYPERLINK "" >

Usmani, F. 2017. How to Identify Project Stakeholders? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: <  HYPERLINK "" >

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